the only thing that you have any questions please feel free contact us at our house in order for me to make this happen to make sure you have any questions or concerns you have a good idea to make sure you will be able to make this a good time for a great weekend as well as well but I am looking for a good day and time for me if you are doing good day please see the only one of our clients are saying I just want you have a good day I just want a good day please contact the only thing is I just want to i I just want a great day please see attached file is scanned image to be able to getting together.
the only thing that you have any questions please feel free contact us at our house in order for me to make this happen to make sure you have any questions or concerns you have a good idea to make sure you will be able to make this a good time for a great weekend as well as well but I am looking for a good day and time for me if you are doing good day please see the only one of our clients are saying I just want you have a good day I just want a good day please contact the only thing is I just want to i I just want a great day please see attached file is scanned image to be able to getting together.
3) l(образующая)==5см
S=1\2 x 6 x 4=3 x 4=12см^2
2)сечение которое нужно найти будет основанием конуса с образующей l=17,и высотой равной h=15.Откуда мы можем найти радиус нашей окружности R==8
Зная радиус,можно найти площадь окружности S=ПR^2=3.14 x 64=200см^2
3) сечением будет являться прямоугольник ,в котором нам известна уже высота h=6см.
Теперь надо найти другую сторону,чтобы посчитать площадь.S=h x a.
a -эь
то основание равнобедреннего треугольника с сторонами равными радиусу,то есть 5.
Также нам известна высота этого треугольника =4см.Следовательно a=2=6
S=6 x h=6 x 6=36cм^2.