you have received a letter from your English-speaking pen writes fiend tony write:
... In Great Britain most young people listen to pop, rap and hip hop music. could you tell me what music you and your friends like best? Do you listen to traditional Russian music? Is it popular with your generation? What kind of music do your parents listen to?
As for my news, I have just bought a new computer ...
Write a letter to Tony
In your letter
.answer his questions
.ask 3 questions about his new computer
It is forbidden to move without stopping in front of the stop line, and if not, before the edge of the intersected roadway. The driver must give way to the vehicle, moving along the intersected, and in the presence of the table 8 13 along the main road. Sign 2 5 can be installed before the railway crossing or quarantine station. In these cases, the driver must stop before the stop line, and in its absence before the sign.It is necessary to take into account that the stop is obligatory if the sign is installed at the intersection of the carriageways - at the stop line if it is marked on the carriageway, and if it is not present, it is not necessary to stop at the sign level, the driver can stop after passing the sign, but no further border crossing.
Запрещается движение без остановки перед стоп-линией, а если ее нет — перед краем пересекаемой проезжей части. Водитель должен уступить дорогу тс, движущимся по пересекаемой, а при наличии таб. 8 13 — по главной дороге. Знак 2 5 может быть установлен перед железнодорожным переездом или карантинным постом. В этих случаях водитель должен остановиться перед стоп-линией, а при ее отсутствии — перед знаком. Необходимо учитывать, что остановка обязательна, если знак установлен на пересечении проезжих частей - на линии останова если он обозначен на проезжей части, и если его нет, то нет необходимости остановка на уровне знака, водитель может остановиться после прохождения знака, но без дальнейшего пересечения границы.
2.) What street does she live on? On one of the noisiest streets.
3). Which street is your institute on? Gavrikova Street.
4.) We arrived in Sochi on Sunday. The city is located on the Black Sea coast. The gardens and parks of Sochi are magnificent. There are many large shops in the city center. There are many high-rise buildings on our street.
5.) This a beautiful building just a few years ago, isn't it? 6.) There are no narrow new cities , crooked streets.
7.) A beautiful panorama building was built on Kutuzovsky Prospect.
8.) On Sunday our students are going to visit the Revolution Museum.
9.) The paintings of this museum made a big impression on me!
10)Turists always admire the Moscow metro.