1 -
4 *** Read the sentences from postcards. Are
they from Nepal or the Inca Trail? Write N or I.
We're going to spend a few days chilling out
in Cusco. Do you want anything?
2 Today we had a look around some ruins and
went to a market.
3 I've never ridden an elephant but it's a great
way to see the jungle.
4 We've been here for two days and we've seen
some amazing temples.
5 We went so fast on the bikes that I didn't
have time to look at the scenery!
6 The curries are delicious but I don't like
eating with my fingers!
In our town there were many people who didn't care about the environment.
I enjoyed visiting the nature park which you recommended.
I still remember the man who taught me to climb trees when I was a little boy.
The scientists who appear on national television are often amateurs.
People who work for the hunger program say that thousands of people worldwide die from starvation every single day of the year.
While the boy was at the Askania Nova Reserve, he took many pictures of zebras, which were roaming in the steppe.
Вот, если ты про это задание
2)What Hotel do you prefer to stay at?
3)My cousin wants to study Medicine at university
4)What time does the plane leave?
5)Alice sometimes watches this TV show in the evening
6)Do you realize the importance of this work?
7) Where does you secretary usually keep the mail?
8)A waiter does not cook food
9)What does your friend prefer for dessert?
10)Daniel often interviews well-known politicians
Present Simple
Это (простое)настоящее время.
he she it - добавляем к глаголу -s-
eg: he plays(он играет)
she sings(она поет)
it rings(оно звонит)
в вопросительных предложениях используем does и глагол в инфинитиве(без окончания -s-)
eg: Does he play football? (он игрет в футбол?)
Does she sing well?(она хорошо поет?)
Для you we they I глагол не требует окончаний т.е инфнитив.
I cook - я готовлю
we love-мы любим
в вопросительных предложениях используем Do+инфинитив
DO you LIKE dancing?- ты любишь танцевать?
DO I look nice?-я хорошо выгляжу?