1.4. What are the differences between civil and criminal cases? Fill in the table below. Arrange the following statements into criminal and civil ones:
1.Civil 2. Criminal
1. Force a convicted defendant to pay a fine as punishment for his crime
2. The standards of proof are higher.
3. Actions are started by the state.
4. Actions started by individuals.
5. The party bringing an action (that is in most cases the state) is called the prosecution.
6. The party bringing an action is called the plaintiff.
7. The party accused in court is called the defendant.
8. The main argument in a court is about the amount of money, or damages, which the defendant should pay to the plaintiff.
9. The procedure consists of the rules by which courts conduct trials.
10. The state prosecutes an individual for violation of law.
When I visited last month you had a lot of unsolved problems and you was a little bit depressed because of it. I hope that now everything is fine! You know that you can always rely on me and all share your troubles with me.
I am also writing you to invite you to party, as you probably remember I have a Birthday on March 27. We will celebrate at the restaurant, I hope that it will be a good chance for you to relax and meet new people (I have invited a lot of friends from my university).
By the way, how was your brother’s Birthday? I am sorry that once again I couldn’t come – I was sick and had to stay in bed. I am sending my gift to him through our friend Ben. He turned 25, right? I will be happy to see him at my Birthday as well.