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17.01.2023 12:13 •  Английский язык

1. A. Прочитайте текст.
What is Ecology
No living thing or group of living thing things can live and grow in isolation. All organisms, plants and animals need energy to develop and all species of living things influence the lives of others. Ecology is a science. It studies how plants, animals and human beings live together and influence each other. It is also a science about our environment. People have always studied living things in their natural environment. In other words, they have always studied the air, the water, the soil and all other things that are around a person, animal or a plant. The environment can influence the growth of living things and the way they develop. Ecology also study what happens to different species, how they change. The scientists collect the information about the number of living things in different areas, their size and behavior. Ecology is one of the most important sciences in the 21st century. It teaches us how to survive in the modern word.
B. Дополните предложения.
1) Ecology is a … 2) Ecology studies …3) A natural environment is … 4) Ecology teaches us … 5) Ecologists collect information about …
2. Выберите верное слово.
1) There is (little/a little) water in the pond. You can`t swim there. 2) (Few/little) children will be able to do this difficult test. 3) (Not many/ not much) people live to be a hundred years old. 4) There is (little/ a little) milk in the fridge. Can you buy (some/ several)? 5)There were (a few/ a little) apples on the plate and one pear. 6) Can you wait for (a few/ few) minutes? 7) Would you like (a few/few) of these flowers? 8) Hurry up! We have (little/ a little) time. 9) We have (little/ a little) time left. You can finish your e-mail. 10) I remember (little/ a little) about my school years, you can say I remember nothing.
3. Вставьте возвратные местоимения, где это необходимо.
1) How are you today? – Thank you. I feel … much better. 2) It is not a difficult rule, you can easily understand it …, I`m not going to help you. 3) Dress … nicely and wait for me. I`ll come at about 4 o`clock. 4) I have some free time today, and I`ll cook the dinner … . This time I want to do it on my own. 5) I hope they will enjoy … at the party tonight. 6) I don`t like the way he behaves … with younger children. 7) The children hid … at the back of the garden.

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10.09.2020 22:09
Для удобства буду отмечать времена первой буквой.
I. 1) did - P; 2) will contact - F; 3) not speaks - Pr - ; 4) said - P; 5) repairs - Pr.
II.1) am talking - Pr; 2) will be meeting - F; 3) is drawing - Pr; 4) was washing - P; 5) are singing - Pr.
III. 1) had owned - P; 2) will have repaired - F; 3) have given up - Pr; 4) have visited - Pr; 5) had never been - P.
IV. 1) leaves - PrS(регулярное действие); 2) will have writed - FPer; 3) doesn`t sweam - PrS; 4) will be waiting - FCont; 5) hasn`t stopped - PrPer;
 6) didn`t see - PS; 7) was writing - PCont; 8) will send - FS; 9) have grown - PrPer; 10) will have finished - FPer.
V. 1) Вчера показали очень интересный фильм.
Very interesting film was shown by them yesterday. - Очень интересный фильм был показан им вчера.
2) Секретарь напечатал все письма утром.
All letters is in the morning typed by secretary. - Все письма были напечатаны утром секретарём.
3) Анна приглашала меня праздновать своё день рождения.
Her birthday party Ann invited by me. - Свой день рождения праздновать Аня приглашала меня.
4) Моя мама послала за доктором.
For the doctor was sent by my mother. - За доктором было послано моей мамой.
5) Студенты делают интересные сообщения о других предметах
Made interesting reports on different subjects by students. - Были сделаны интересные сообщения о других предметах студентами.
VI. 1) Питэр написал письмо.
Peter has written letter. - Письмо было переведно Питэром.
2) Автомобиль помыт нами.
We have cleaned the car. - Мы помыли автомобиль.
3) Английский был проговорён.
They spoke English. - Они говорили на английском.
4) Дети полицейским.
Policeman will help children. - Полицейским будут дети.
5) Окно в магазине было разбито вором.
The robber broke the window of the shop. - Вор разбил окно в магазине
VII. 1) are working - Cont - Сейчас они работают в мастерской; 2) was invented - Passive - Этот новый двигатель был изобретён инженерами; 3) не знаю; 4) are learning - Cont - Мы изучаем много предметов в университете; 5) не знаю.
VIII. 1) He announced that they are waiting outside.
2) She said that I have been smoking too much.
3) I asked him which compact disks he was taking with him.
4) -
5) Did you ask him if he is married?
IX. 1) had; 2) was; 3) would visit; 4) had written; 5) had known.
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11.06.2022 20:22
Summer had come. In this time of year many people have a holidays. Actually, I love summer. In this big weekend you can spend your time like you want. I mean you can have time for yourself, for start a something new: new deal, new acts, new people, new love of your life and, it is not secret, even new life. I would like to know what does live mean. I will not do what I did in past. I would like to have a move farther. I will not stay in a town. May be I will have hiking in the wood and mountains because I love being in the nature and thinking about things I will have to do and about many of surprises which life will bring to me. Пришло лето. В это время года у многих людей праздники. Что ж, на самом деле, я люблю лето. В этот длинный выходной ты можешь потратить время так, как хочешь. Я хочу сказать, у тебя есть время для себя, чтобы начать что - то новое: новое дело, новые люди, новая любовь и, это не секрет, даже новая жизнь. Я бы хотел узнать, что значит жить. Я не буду делать того, что делал в Я бы хотел начать двигаться дальше. Я не останусь в городе. Возможно, я буду больше ходить в леса и горы; я люблю быть на природе и думать о многих вещах, которые должен сделать и о многих сюрпризах, которые жизнь мне приподнесет.
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