1 A taxi took them to the airport.
They were taken to the airport by a taxi.
2 This time last week Michael Johnson was interviewing US on TV.
3 I have just found out that the company hasn't offered me a job.
4 Are you still upset that they didn’t choose you for the team?
5 When are they going to pay me my money?
6 This radio doesn’t use batteries. You have to wind it up.
7 When I first got my dog, no one had trained him at all.
8 Somebody had broken this computer before I bought it.
9 ‘Where are the new students?’ - ‘Someone is giving them a tour of the school.’
#2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: passive infinitive or gerund.
1 I hope to be given (give) some more time for this project
2 I don’t mind (ask) to work late. I get paid a lot of overtime for it
3 Do you ever worry about (sack) from your Job?
4 How did you manage (pick)for the school team? You’re terrible at football.
5 My brother needs (show)what to do. He can’t work out anything for himself.
6 I'm getting used (tell) what to do.
7 I hate (forced) to go clothes shopping by my girlfriend.
8 Do you expect (pay) for such poor work?
9 You realize you risk (kill) every time you go on that motorbike.
1. Look at these children: they are skating very well.
2. Did you skate last Sunday? - Yes, we were skating the whole day last Sunday.
3. My brother can skate very well. He skates every Sunday.
4. What are you doing now? - I am washing the dishes.
5. What were you doing at three o'clock yesterday? — I was having dinner.
6. Are you having dinner now?
7. Where does your brother work? — He works at an institute.
8. Was your grandmother sleeping when you came home yesterday?
9. What will your brother do tomorrow?
10. I didn't go to the shop yesterday. I will go to the shop tomorrow.
1. I remember falling off my skateboard when I was young.
Помню, как в молодости я упал со скейтборда.
( После remember употребляется герундий (глагол с -ing), если мы говорим о действии, которое произошло в и сейчас мы его вспоминаем.)
2. Remember to lock the door when I leave the house.
Не забудьте запереть дверь, когда я выйду из дома.
( Если после remember идет to-инфинитив, то мы говорим о том, что нужно не забыть сделать сейчас или в будущем)
3. While she walking home, she stopped to buy some sweets.
По дороге домой она остановилась, чтобы купить сладостей.
( stop + To-infinitive означает "остановиться, чтобы сделать что-либо")
4. I stopped doing my homework when my mum called me for dinner.
Я перестал делать домашнее задание, когда мама позвала меня на ужин.
( stop + Ing-form означает "перестать делать что-либо" )
5. Ben will never forget seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time.
Бен никогда не забудет, как впервые увидел Эйфелеву башню.
(forget + Ing-form означает "забыть то, что действие совершалось" (действие имело место)
6. I have tried taking the bus to work, and it takes me an extra 30 minutes.
Я пробовал ехать на работу на автобусе, и это занимает у меня еще 30 минут.
( try + Ing-form означает "проэкспериментировать, выбрав одну из возможностей на пути к достижению поставленной задачи", "попробовать сделать что-то, что сделать, скорее всего, нетрудно и что является средством для достижения некоторой другой цели, про которую неизвестно, будет ли она в результате достигнута".)
7. Getting good grades means studying a lot.
Получать хорошие оценки - означает много учиться.
( mean + Ing-form имеет смысл "означать что-либо".)