1 Ask and answer in pairs.
1 What Europеan countries do you know? How do you call their people? What languages do people speak in Europe?
2 What is the widest organisation In Europe?
3 What does the term "The Council of Europе mean?
4 Is Ukraine а member of the Council of Europе?
Ex. 12. Translate the following using "make a (good, poor) husband,
painier, etc.
I. Чтобы из вас вышел хороший специалист, вы, прежде всего,
должны любить свою работу.
2. Из нее выйдет прекрасная учительница; посмотрите, как она терпелива и в то же время строга со своими младшими братьями и сестрами.
3. Он как раз тот человек, который нам нужен. Из него выйдет прекрасный руководитель экспедиции, так как он и с людьми умеет работать, и дело хорошо знает.
4. Из тебя никогда не получится водитель, если ты не будешь хорошо знать правила.
I. To make a good specialist out of yourself, you must first of all love your job.
2. She will make a great teacher. Look at how patient she is and at the same time strict with her younger brothers and sisters.
3. He's just the man we need. He will make an excellent leader of the expedition, because he knows how to work with people, and knows the business well.
4. You'll never make a driver if you don't know the regulations well.
He said that he had been going to leave Rome.He asked if Peter had been to Berlin.Kate said that she had been thirsty.My boss asked her if she had liked having her meals alone. She told me to revise everything for the examination. My sister says that he had been in Paris 2 years earlier.She asked her son if he would be back early that day. They answered that they had to go to the library after lessons. The son asked his mother to pass him the salad. The doctor said the patient could not walk alone because he had been weak. They asked me how I had got to the station.Hd told us that he had two children and added that his son had been three and his daughter had been five. She asked whether I had been ready to go. She explained it would take her ten minutes to pack.He asked the children not to made so much noise