1 Что сделал Эдуард I, король Англии, хотите? 2. Сколько раз он побеждал Роберта Брюса?
3. куда убежал Роберт Брюс?
4. что заметил Роберт Брюс в пещере?
5 сколько раз пауку не удавалось сплести свою паутину?
6. на что паук вдохновил Роберта Брюса?
2. Readers of this site
3. C)An exciting event that you'll never forget
It was in primary school, me and my friends were in library, suddenly, our teacher came in library too and she has surprised, that we were there. She said that it's very great to see us in library, because kids stopped went library. After that she offered us to readings lovers club. At first I thought that it's very boring, but soon I understand that books it's very big universe, where you can became different heroes. My friends don't like books and they was disagree, but I thought that it's can be great experience. Next day I came to this club and I was very impressed when I see there my friends, they said that he want to read books too.