1. Circle the correct option. 1. I tend to use\ am using\have using emails rather than letters.
2. We flying\fly\have flown from Heathrow airport at 9.3a.m.
3. What are\have\do you enjoy spending your money on?
4. Private schools are\are being\have been very expensive inChina nowadays.
5. lt isn't seeming \hasn't seemed \doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
6. Do you want to borrow this book? | am just finishing\ l've just finished \just finish it, and it was brilliant.
7. I'm afraid she's busy at the moment. She talks\has talked\'s talking to someone on the other line.
8. l'm trying\have trying/am try to get fit, so I cycle to work every day.
9. l've always enjoyed\ I'm always enjoying\ I've always enjoy painting.
10. She works in the sales department, but I can't remember\ 'm not remembering \haven't remembered her name.
если пройти под лестницей, то человека ждет неудача
если заяц пробежит мимо молодоженов - их брак будет неудачным
если на неопавшие листья выпадет снег, то зима будет тяжелой
чтобы были деньги,нужно отдавать долг утром
подкова приносит счастье
если посомтреть в разбитое зеркало, то человека ждет 7 лет несчастий
зонтик нельзя раскрывать в доме, иначе человека ждет несчастье
если кошка чихает - жди дождя
если положить соль в кроватку к младенцу, то он будет счастливым
ответ:1. In Canada
2. Fantasy land
3. 24
4. 5000000
5. Shopping mall
6. Indoor amusement park
7. Restaurant
My favourite computer game is Minecraft. It is an indie game. This game was released in 2011. In spite of pixel graphics the game is very interesting and exciting! In this game you can build your own house or a castle. Also, it is possible for you to dig holes. Roughly speaking, in this game you can do everything.
The game is played over a million players around the world! I recommend this game to people who enjoy choosing actions in the game. You can buy this game in Marwin, Technodom and Meloman shops .