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14.01.2023 01:48 •  Английский язык

1. Complete the sentences using the given words and phrases in the correct form: popular, glossy, instead, attractive, real.

About 50 per cent of British teenagers read teenage magazines! Two of the most magazines for girls are “Sugar” and “Bliss”. They have , colourful covers and include beauty and fashion, celebrity gossip, life stories, horoscopes and quizzes.
Of course, boys don’t usually find these magazines very interesting! , they buy music magazines or magazines about sport.
Usually, teenage magazines contain a lot of language that only teenagers use! This makes the magazines more to teenagers.

2. Match the titles with the categories.
This month’s horoscopes! articles
Get perfect skin! regular features
Our top 10 summer outfits! stars & celebrities
Win tickets to a Champion’s League match! competitions & offers
Britain’s hottest new boy bands! quizzes
Do your friends really know you? fashion
The Generations gap! health & beauty

3. Сomplete the sentences with the correct variants.

“Shoot” is at/for/to teenagers who like sport and especially football. It has articles about/for/from football matches and footballers.
“Cosmo” is for teenage girls. It probably has articles about/on/of fashion and beauty as/so well as gossip about stars. It also has problem pages but/and/or horoscopes.

4. Match the words and phrases with their Russian equivalents.

colourful наоборот, вместо
popular привлекательный
instead знаменитость
glossy популярный
attractive обложка
beauty глянцевый, блестящий
celebrity красота
real life story красочный
cover соревнование
offer история из жизни
competition предложение

5. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1) Anna (cook) dinner before dad came home.
2) Mike (ride) his bicycle while Steve was skateboarding.
3) The detective asked, “What (you do) at the time of the robbery?”
4) I (pass) the exam without difficulty.
5) She (leave) school when she was 16.
6. Put the parts of the article in the correct order. Prepare your own little article about any news you like and read it to the class.
The teenager’s wish to learn languages began in 2006 after completing Farsi lessons. He enjoyed it so much that he decided to become fluent in modern Arabic.
After that, there was no stopping him. Over the years, he has added Russian, Italian, Spanish, Persian, Swahili Indonesian and many others to his repertoire of languages. The list does not include the ones that he has taken up at school.
This has earned him the title of the world’s youngest polyglot. But he is still not satisfied.
Los Angeles teen Steven Tracy likes to learn languages. It took the 16-year-old five years to master 19 languages!
Then he teaches himself the correct grammar, develops his skills by reading newspapers and talking with native speakers, either in person or on internet chat rooms.
The most amazing part is that he has managed to learn all the additional languages on his own. The young polyglot begins by learning how to pronounce the alphabet correctly.

7. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits each space.
1) Teenage magazines contain lots of colourful pictures to be to young people. (ATTRACT)
2) The performance we saw at the theatre yesterday was . (AMAZE)
3) My sister works in a teenage magazine. (GLOSS)
4) There are a lot of cameras and near the concert hall. (REPORT)
5) My father watches news every evening. (NATION)

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21.04.2022 14:23

A hobby is a favourite pastime of a person. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby to your liking, lucky you are: you have made your life more interesting.

Numerous hobbies can be subdivided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things.

The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball. Gardening is one of the oldest man’s hobbies, especially in some countries (Britain, for example). A relatively new hobby which is becoming more popular is computer games.

Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, and handicrafts. Some hobbyists write music. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill.

Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards,, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.

No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.

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09.02.2022 12:30
1. Hello. I would like to buy a few goldfish for your new aquarium.
2. I remember that you came last week, but ...
3. You want to say that goldfish are still not in the shop?
4. Unfortunately, no.
5. I want you to call me when the fish, which I was looking for, delivered to the store. Write down my number, please.
6. I see that you are in a bad mood. I can offer you a decoration for the aquarium. Or multi-colored sand.
7. Good. I like the purple sand. And he won a small chest on the top shelf ...
8. And I like it when you smile. Can I ask you to drink a cup of coffee with me at lunchtime?
9. It will be great, but first allow me to buy something. I expected to see a greater variety of trinkets.
10. Of course, now I'll show you all
11. I'll let you know what happened after their conversation. 12. She bought a few trinkets and drank a cup of coffee with the seller. 13. He called her the next day, because the store brought goldfish. 14. And two days later they go on a date.
0,0(0 оценок)
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