1. They were studying the subject when I joined them. 2. According to the information we have, the plan is being carried out successfully. 3. The last telegram is being typed now. 4. Are..the negotiations still being conducted? According to the press they are coming to an end. 5. If you want to have this book, go to the shop at once. It is being sold there now. 6. What is happening in the library now? New books are being discussed. 7. The teacher told that the students were not attentive when the rule was being explained. 8. All necessary information is stored in the computer. 9. The problem of the future of human civilization on the Earth has been researched steadily by the scientists throughout the world.
Я пошел домой к Алексу.
Давай сегодня займемся чем-нибудь интересным, сказал я.
Пойдем на пикник к озеру. Давай пообедаем там, - предложил Алекс.
- Да, это хорошая идея, - сказал я.
Что у тебя есть поесть?
Мы пошли в кухню.
Он открыл холодильник. Ничего, сказал он.
Пойдем посмотрим, что у нас есть.
У меня дома мы нашли немного еды.
Здорово! - Сказал Алекс.
Дверь открылась. Фадж с черепахой вернулись домой.
Что вы делаете? Вы готовите обед?
Вот именно. Мы едем на пикник.
Куда вы едете на пикник? - спросил Фадж.
На озеро, - сказал я. - Я тоже поеду, - сказал Фадж.
О, нет, ты не поедешь! - Я сказал.
Почему бы и нет? - спросил он. Я люблю пикники. Я тоже хочу на пикник! Возьмите меня...возьмите меня.
Исчезни! - Я сказал. Позвони Дэниелу. Займитесь чем-нибудь...
Поехали, Алекс!
Мы вскочили на велосипеды и поехали вниз по улице.
2. According to the information we have, the plan is being carried out successfully.
3. The last telegram is being typed now.
4. Are..the negotiations still being conducted? According to the press they are coming to an end.
5. If you want to have this book, go to the shop at once. It is being sold there now.
6. What is happening in the library now? New books are being discussed.
7. The teacher told that the students were not attentive when the rule was being explained.
8. All necessary information is stored in the computer.
9. The problem of the future of human civilization on the Earth has been researched steadily by the scientists throughout the world.