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№1. Complete the sentences with the correct word: eruption, ancient, science-fiction, frightening, palace, board, ruled, tribes, skins, chores 1) Avatar is my favorite __ science-fiction__ film. 2) The Kwakiutl Indians wore animal __ __ to Keep Warm. 3) I like thrillers because they are ___ frightening 4) Do you help your parents with around the house? 5) The ancient Egyptians played ___ board games in their free time. 6) Queen Elizabeth the first England from 1558 to 1603. 7) In Egypt, girls didn’t attend school. 8) The emperor at Machu Picchu lived in a beautiful __palace_ 9) A terrible from a volcano destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii. 10) In America in the 15th century, some native lived in tepees. №2. 3 Complete the sentences using past simple or past continuous. 1) We (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). 2) She (meet) a lot of friendly people while she (work) in Russia. 3) When they (leave) the gallery, the sun (shine). 4) The students (laugh) when the professor (come) in. 5) While the children (sleep), their parents (watch) TV. 6) It (start) to snow while she (come) back from the opera. 7) When Pete (Open) the door, it (rain). 8) While Evgeniy (sunbathe), his wife (swim) in the sea. 9) She (hear) a loud bang while she (talk) to her friend. 10) While he (take) a shower, his cats (eat) his steaks. №3. Read the text. In each question choose the right answer: A, B, C or D. Christopher Columbus was a famous explorer. He came from Genoa, a seaside city in the north of Italy. When he was a boy, Columbus knew he wanted to become a sailor, and he first went to sea when he was only 14 years old. In Columbus's time, getting to Asia was very important for Europeans. This is because Asia had wonderful things that Europeans wanted to buy. Europeans knew of two different ways to get to Asia: over land through the east or by sea around the coast of South Africa. But both these journeys were difficult, dangerous and took a very long time. Columbus had an idea to sail west, instead of south, across the Atlantic Ocean because he thought he could reach Asia more quickly and easily this way. Columbus told the king of Portugal about his idea and asked him to give him ships for his voyage. The king said no. He asked the kings of France and England. But they said no too. After many years, the king and queen of Spain agreed to help Columbus. In August, 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain. Two months later, he landed on an island in the Americas. This landing was one of the most important in European history. It was the start of the Europeans living in America. But Columbus didn’t understand he was in a new part of the world! He was certain he was in India. This is the reason he called the natives who lived in the Americas ‘Indians’ Columbus returned to the Americas three more times during his lifetime. Each time, he believed he was in Asia. During his life, Columbus never realized he was in a new part of the world. Even though Columbus was wrong about being in Asia, people today still consider Christopher Columbus a great explorer. 1) Christopher Columbus… A didn’t decide to become a sailor until he was an adult. B first saw the sea when he was 14 years old. C lived by the sea when he was a child. D moved to Italy when he was little. 2) In Columbus's day, Europeans… A didn’t know an easy way to get to Asia. B sold lots of things to Asia. C could reach Asia quickly. D could only get to Asia by land. 3) Columbus's idea to get to Asia quickly was… A to sail from Portugal. B to sail south. C to use new ships. D to sail west. 4) Columbus finally crossed the Atlantic with the help of the… A Spanish king. C English king. B Portuguese king. D French king. 5) When Columbus arrived in the Americas… A he didn’t know what to call the native people. B he was sure he was in India. C there weren’t any people there. D there were already people from Europe there. 6) From the text, we know that Columbus… A went back to America three times. B discovered a new part of Asia. C discovered a new way to reach Asia. D was a bad explorer because he didn’t find Asia.

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21.10.2020 01:35

1. выберите утверждения из списка, с которым вы больше всего согласны. объясните причину вашего выбора. для меня охрана окружающей среды: 1. жить в гармонии с окружающей средой. 2. защита природы и спасение жизни на планете. 3. поощрение более разумного и эффективного использования энергетических и других ресурсов. 4. что воздух и вода чисты и безопасны. 5. контроль за и загрязнением. 6. охрана видов растений и животных. 7. сохранение жизни на земле во всем ее многообразии.

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03.01.2022 00:00

0. we learn a lot of new words. - we used a lot of new words.

1) we walk in the park every day. 2) he is a good student. 3) he drinks coffee with all the food. 4) they come to school by bus. 5) he needs a new a suit. 6) he speaks to us in english. 7) we are good friends. 8) he has many friends here. 9) they have a new car. 10) she and i are students in the same class.

exercise 3. change the sentences in the question form:

0. they lived next to us. - they lived next to us?

1) he told me about it yesterday. 2) she was waiting for us on the corner. 3) they wrote him several letters. 4) the bus stopped at this corner. 5) they had dinner with us last night. 6) she wanted to come with us. 7) he preferred to stay at home. 8) monica knew his very well. 9) you got up very early this morning. 10) they came to school by bus.

exercise 1. change the sentences to negative form:

0. the bus stopped at this corner. - the bus didn't stop at this corner.

1) he often came to us. 2) they had a lot of friends in our class. 3) i bought all my books at the school bookstore. 4) they usually spoke to us in english. 5) we always dined in the cafeteria. 6) they were good students. 7) she was my teacher. 8) i waited on the corner to them. 9) he asked us about directions. 10) i got up very early.

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