1 * Complete the table with the words
in the box.
Did did buy Did didn't did go
Did 1/you/ we/you / they win?
Short answers
Yes, I / you / we/you / No, I/you/ we/you /
he/she/it lose?
Short answers
Yes, he/she/it No, he/she/it
Where did I you/you/they'
What did he/she/it" at the shops?
act imple questions
хай кто не тот свинья!
Their uniqueness, confidence and hard work makes them more successful. Many iconic models have their twist, for example Cara Delevinge's unique characteristic is her thick eyebrows, while Cindy Crowford's is her mole above the upper lip. Many successful models were told to remove their imperfections but instead they decided to fight the system and use them to their advantage.
However, some models take it too far. There are some dangerously overweight or skinny models that can set a bad example for young teenagers. While being unique and promoting 'body positivity' is a great thing, some iconic models should understand that many people look up to them so being too overweight or too underweight is unhealthy and can make many easily-motivated teenagers fallow the lifestyle
Many large mammols as bear, boar, and Irish, long extinct.In the British isies as a result of intensive hunting, and the worf was destroyed as a pest. Currently these are only 56 species of mammals, 13 of which are imported. The largest mammals of great Britain-the red deer lives in the uplands of Cornwall, in the mountains of the lake district and the Scottish highands. Quite a lot of Roe deer which are found North of Yorkchire and in the South of England. In mountainous areas inhabited by wild goats. The Islands and coastal cliffs of Corwall and Wales usual grey seal and the harbour seal prefers the coast of Scotland East coast Northern IreIand and the surrounding Islands
Животный мир
Многие крупные млекопитающие, такие, как медведь, кабан и ирландский благородный олень, давно истреблены. на Британских островах в результате интенсивной охоты, а волк был уничтожен как вредитель. В настоящее время осталось всего 56 видов млекопитающих, 13 из которых завезены. Самый крупный представитель млекопитающих Великобритании - благородный олень - обитает на возвышенностях Корнуолла, в горах Озерного округа и на Шотландских нагорьях. Довольно много косуль, которые встречаются к северу от Йоркшира и на юге Англии. В горных районах обитают дикие козы. У островов и прибрежных скал Корнуолла и Уэльса водится серый тюлень, а обыкновенный тюлень предпочитает побережья Шотландии, восточные берега Северной Ирландии и прилегающие к ним острова.