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Қазақ тiлi
26.11.2020 08:48 •  Английский язык

1. david until 8 o’clock last night! a were working b works c was working 2. i was having dinner when he home. a come b was coming c came 3. the rain today. a hasn't stopped b haven't stopped c hasn't stopping 4. i in the house all weekend. a 's been b 've been c be 5. i can't believe it! i my bag. a lost b 've lost c losed 6. you your bag on the table a minute ago. a have put b putted c put 7. we have a picnic this afternoon. a go to b are going to c are going 8. do you think it this evening? a rains b will rain c shall rain 9. walk there with you. it's not far. a i am able to b i manage to c i could 10. laura to the party? a should i inviting b should i invite c i should invite 11. i think you ask david about it. a should asking b should ask c would 12. you stay at the bank if you don't like your job there. a should b shouldn't c could 13. you for a new job. a should to look b should looking c should look 14. i get out of bed earlier, i'm always late! a must to b must c have 15. i start work at 7 a.m. a have to b must to c must 16. a nice holiday! a have you b have c you have 17. to call me when you get to the hotel. a don't forget b not forgetting c forget not 18. a ticket to see my favourite band tonight. a i've b i've got c i got 19. a good time! a have got b have you c have 20. did you remember your bike? a to bring b bringing c bring 21. it'll be a bus to the stadium. a difficult get to b to difficult get c difficult to get 22. there were lots of in the shop. a person b people c persons 23. a new cinema in town. a there's b there are c there 24. there aren't tomatoes in the fridge. a some b no c any 25. how cheese is there? a a lot of b much c many 26. that book belongs to . a my b mine c me 27. is downstairs. a my boss'office b my boss's office c the office of my boss 28. ann is the woman in the coat . a short black leather b black short leather c short leather black 29. she's from in wales. a an old small town b a small old town c an old town small 30. this bike is than yours. a newer b more new c newest 31. it's also the than in the shop! a most expensive b expensivest c expensive 32. he played the guitar at the concert. a beautiful b beautifully c beauty 33. luke is college today. a at b on c in 34. he will be there one o'clock until five o'clock. a from b on c to 35. i have bought a cake, a present, some flowers for sarah's birthday. a but b and c or 36. i haven't organized a party it's on monday. a so b because of c because 37. what do you do in your … time? a pastime b evening c free 38. she … shopping with her mother. a goose b goes c go 39. the day after monday is … . a tuesday b the weekend c sunday 40. what is mary’s job? a she’s a painter b she’s busy c she’s watching tv. 41. what is mary doing? a she is a teacher b she works in a bank c she is cleaning windows. 42. she’s … the shopping. a making b doing c buying 43. tim never goes to the cinema … fridays. a in b at c on 44.my family … moving to oxford. a is b must c doesn’t 45. john forgot his umbrella and got really … . a mild b wet c hungry 46. i wear a uniform to school. a at the moment b ever c usually 47. at 8 o'clock last night, i my homework. a did b was doing c was done 48. while i was sitting at my desk, the doorbell . a was ringing b rings c rang 49. do the trains go to birmingham? a how often b how many c how far 50. she to my emails. a hasn't replied b hasn't reply c haven't replied 51. i have told you that she doesn't have a computer! a already b yet c ever 52. he started his new job . a three months since b three months ago c for three months 53. i spent day in meetings yesterday. a a few b any c most of the 54. he me since february! a didn't phone b haven't phoned c hasn't phoned 55. to the match on tuesday? a will you going to b you going to c are you going 56. is your new address inbirmingham? a where b which c what 57. did you watch on tv? a which b whose c what 58. eat meals in front of the tv at home? a are you able to b you can c are you allowed to 59. children an adult. a must be accompanied by b must accompanied by c must accompany by 60. i have enough money this week. a could not b should not c might not

Показать ответ
01.10.2020 06:07

1 с
2 с
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 c
7 b
8 b
9 a
10 b
11 b
12 b
13 c
14 b
15 a
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19 c
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24 c
25 c
26 c
27 c
28 b
29 b
30 a
31 c
32 b
33 a
34 a
35 b
36 c
37 c
38 b
39 a
40 a
41 c
42 b
43 c
44 a
45 b
46 c
47 b
48 c
49 a
50 a
51 a
52 b
53 c
54 c
55 a
56 c
57 c
58 c
59 a
60 c

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