1)Емма сказала, що студентів зараз екзаменує декан і попросила нас не заходити до аудиторії. 2)Студент сказав, що йому ніхто не повідомив, що семінар переноситься на наступний четвер.
3)Декан поцікавився хто з нас уже написав курсову роботу з мовознавства.
4)Бріджит сказала, що іспит починається о 9 ранку, вона поцікавилася чи я знаю про це і чи все повторив.
5)Олег знав, що буде вчити англійську мову протягом 7 років, перш ніж складе іспит.
6)Джек сказав, що вивчав японську мову протягом 7 років, перш ніж він склав іспит.
Everyone knows that you need to cross the road in the right place, at crosswalks on a green light. But often, it is the opposite: rushing to work, to school, to kindergarten, pedestrians run across the road any roadway. They do not even think that, first of all, violate the rules of the road, and secondly, create an emergency situation, and thirdly, what kind of example they serve to their children. Seeing this, the child is able to do likewise, because adults do it. Now, let's think about others, about those who are put in a dangerous situation. Because the driver of the car, trying not to knock over the pedestrian crossing, mechanical brake sharply, and it may crash by running behind the transport, he can wag sideways and expose themselves and others at risk. For beginner stunt — in gyms or at the remote computer, not on the roads. Learn to take risks and Dodge there! But sometimes violations of the rules of the road are not to blame pedestrians and drivers. How often do the "dashing guys" skips at red lights, drive in the city at an unacceptable speed, overtaking each other. Such "daredevils" should not be designated on the roadway! To school I go on foot you have to cross several roads. On Kurmangazy street there is a traffic light, so it is easy to pass if you follow the rules. But the street. go is almost impossible, although there is a pedestrian crossing. It specially made because there is school No. 40, and there is a sign warning that nearby children have to be careful. But many drivers ignore all rules, they do not care that on the roadside the child stands and waits, when will this cease the flow of cars or a well-mannered driver will stop to let it pass. Traffic rules are obligatory for all – and for pedestrians and for drivers. Every citizen of our Republic should know the rules of the road, because it affects his life and safety. I think we need to strengthen the control of road traffic that everyone, of any age know the rules of the road. If each person will monitor their behaviour on the roads in our city will decrease the number of accidents. Drivers and pedestrians be careful and respect each other! Let's be civilized and well mannered, and will comply with the standards of conduct not just in public places but also on the roadway!