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07.09.2021 03:47 •  Английский язык

1. Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use. Hug, opportunity, fond, energetic, dull, keen, host, avoid, bright, blush

1. The film I went to see last week was so that I almost fell asleep at the cinema.

2. When I told Tom the good news, he gave me a big and a kiss on the cheek.

3. We always enjoy ourselves when we go to Mel’s parties; he’s an excellent .

4. Cindy is very . She works very hard and likes participating in a lot of activities.

5. Greg is a very cheerful person who always looks on the side of life.

6. I’m not very on basketball. I prefer football.

7. asking British people about their age, religion, politics, weight or how much they earn.

Underline the correct item.

8. This dish is delicious and doesn’t take much/many time to prepare.

9. What is Jane doing? She has been to/been in the dressing room for an hour.

10. There were very little/few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find a table.

11. Lyn’s family moved to Spain from - / the UK when she was still a baby.

12. Your doctor can give you some good advice/ advices on how to follow a more balances diet.

13. Dad will back in half an hour. He’s gone to/been to the newsagent’s to pick up today’s paper.

14. Ann can’t make it to dinner tonight, but the good news is/ are that she’ll be able to spend the whole weekend with us.

15. Her grandmother has a gold Russian/ Russian gold pair of earrings.

16. Can I pay by/in cheque, please?

17. “Do you want to have lunch with me?” –“Sure. I have a little/a few free time before my next class.”

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

18. My mother (rarely/leave) us home alone when we were young.

19. What time (you/take) the dog for a walk this morning?

20. Nadia (water) the flowers while Nick was cleaning out the garage.

21. We ( not/ meet) Sandra and Ian for coffee yesterday , because we were too busy.

22. Mary didn’t hear the phone ring because she ( listen) to music very loudly.

Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

23. We (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

24. (you/write) all morning?

25. Phil (go) to the supermarket. He’ll be back in an hour.

26. (you /ever/ eat) Japanese food?

27. He (work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

Match the expressions with their translations

28. his cup of tea- a) слезами горю не

29. spill the beans- b) относиться недоверчиво;

30. a piece of cake – c) выдать секрет

31. with a pinch of salt- d) пустяковое дело

32. crying over spilt milk e) это мне не по вкусу

6. Choose the correct item.

33. Have you ever been to/in London?

32. They spend a little/a lot of money on presents.

33. John has never/ago been in England.

34. The/- Smiths left the/- UK from a/- Heathrow Airport.

35. Money doesn’t/don’t bring happiness.

Put the words into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous

36. How many souvenirs you have been buying/have bought!

37. We have been shopping/have shopped for two hours…I can’t walk any longer.

38.Why do you look so tired? – I have practised/have been practising tennis.

39. How long have you studied/have you been studying English?

8. What’s the Russian for:

mashed potatoes,

pickled cucumbers,

spicy sauce,

healthy diet,

side dish,

put on weight,

lose weight,

nourishing drink,

to look appealing.

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04.11.2021 19:31
Я  бы не  могла жите без телефона .  потому что с телефона  мы можем общаться с родными и близкими и даже звонить в разные города и страны . телефон выполняет такую функцию : с    него мы можем звонить своим друзьям и близким , сидеть в интернете , писать сообщения , фотографировать разные предметы . я  бы  не  могла жить без компьютера .  потому  что с    него мы можем сидеть в интернете смотреть на большом экране фильмы и играть в  разные игры , слушать  музыку и  искать нужную нам информацию. я  бы  не  могла жить без телевизора  . потому что с    него мы можем смотреть  разные  программы ,  теже мультфильмы и  познавать нужную нам информацию
0,0(0 оценок)
08.08.2021 17:31

vi ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. space

i ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spaceответ:

i ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.

a. area c. scope

b. room d. spaceобъяснение:

0,0(0 оценок)
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