1. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:
1. That is a cut down version ... a professional studio.
2. You need to put the final professional finish ... your recordings.
3. Home Studio includes Internet links ... the best sites.
4. Crank ... the volume!
5. In the percussion instruments pitch is entirely up ... the resonator
6. For this purpose, you need ... a preamp.
7. You can get rid ... unwanted noise.
Many have taken online classes. Thus, computers and Internet have become an integral part of every family. Computer is a powerful tool. It helps to create colourful presentations, to calculate large numbers, to write articles, to save and edit photos, to keep documentation and, of course, to surf the web. Internet is the main stream of information nowadays. It informs us, entertains and educates. We find everyday news online, educational resources, films, music, games. Everyone can find something to his or her own taste there. However, computers have certain disadvantages. First of all, there is too much violence online, as well as aggressive pictures and irrelevant information. All this can lead to different problems. Secondly, Internet is a free space, where personal information can easily be stolen. So, people should be aware of what they are posting or downloading.
Thirdly, computers have turned people into passive creatures. They can spend hours in front of the monitors, which results into poor eyesight and other health issues. In conclusion, I’d like to add that computers are good at certain extent. If they are being used wisely and moderately, then they can make our life better
Законы нужны не только для того, чтобы устрашать граждан, но и для того, чтобы им.
Однако, нельзя забывать, что законы издаются не по инициативе одного человека. Перед изданием закона учитывается необходимость его принятия в рамках интересов общества. Как известно, Россия заинтересована в увеличении численности населения (принятие закона о выплате пособий при рождении второго ребенка), освоении Сибири и Дальнего Востока, поддержании экологии, сохранении редких видов живых организмов (открытие и содержание заповедников, заказников и национальных парков), развитии науки (открытие новой астрономической обсерватории МГУ на Кавказе), образования (система бесплатного образование), производства, экономики и трудоустройстве граждан