1 * Full in ls, are, wou were will be, has been, have been or can be 1 Cleland Wildlife Park visited by tourists since 1967 2 The wildlife park situated near to Adelaide, Australia 3 1 opened by the government on the 20th of May. 4 The animals at the park monitored by scientists since it opened. 5 Two salga antelopes found by rescue teams last week 6 Drinks and snacks served at acate in the park every day 7 Forst a small tee, photographs taken with Koala 8 There is no doubt that Geland Wildlife Park visited for many years to come
2 she asked George when Will he call her
3 can you play the piano she asked
4 who's there he asked
5she asked him do you like fish
6mother asked What have you done today
7 did you go to work yesterday hi asked
8 he asked Howbdid you get there
9 she asked Have you seen my blue jacket anywhere
10 Will you take me to work tomorrow he asked
11 where have you been she asked
12 Will they visit us in the summer she asked
Знаки препинания я не ставила, но думаю здесь и так все понятно. Если нет то на знаки препинания смотри в тексте
Завершите предложения с или — (без артикля).
1) _ _ _ Великобритания состоит из _ _ _ Великобритании (Англия, Шотландия и
Уэльс) и _ _ _ Северная Ирландия.
2) _ _ _ Великобритания-самый большой остров в _ _ _ Европе и седьмой по величине остров
в мире.
3) _ _ _ шотландские низменности лежат в долинах _ _ _ Клайда, Форте и
Реки Тэй.
4) _ _ _ Британский музей показывает работы из древней _ _ _ Азии, Египта,
Рим и Греция.
5) Озеро Лох-Несс-самое большое озеро в Соединенном Королевстве.
6) ___ Кардифф является столицей Уэльса.
7) Грампианские горы в центральной Шотландии образуют естественную
разделение между низменностями и высокогорьями