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Қазақ тiлi

1. Future in the Past-тағы етiстiк

A) didn’t say

B) don’t understand

C) would be

D) have said

E) are waiting

2. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз: I … … working. Check me, please.

A) Haven’t finished.

B) Didn’t finish.

C) Am finished.

D) Don’t finish.

E) Have finished.

3. Сөйлемге «am going to» етістікті қойыңыз

A) ….you…read this book ?

B) I … visit my aunt, she is ill.

C) …you have tea ? Yes, please.

D) I don’t know how to use this camera.

E)...he… go to the seaside ?

4. Герундий мен сөйлемді табыңыз.

A) Regular swimming is very good for you.

B) They are having a party.

C) She’s going to go to the beach.

D) She is going out.

E) Why are you saving money?

5. Сөйлемді Present Continuous-те толықтырыңыз. I … at the blackboard at the moment.

A) were standing.

B) was standing.

C) is standing.

D) are standing.

E) am standing.

6. Сөйлемге «am going to» етістікті қойыңыз

A) …you have tea ? Yes, please

A) ….you…read this book ?

B) I … visit my aunt, she is ill.

D) I don’t know how to use this camera.

E) ..he… go to the seaside ?

7. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз: I’ve got … to ask you.

A) Anybody.

B) No.

C) Something.

D) Somebody.

E) Any. 8. ІІ типті буынмен оқылатын сөзді таңдаңыз.

A) Table

B) Frame

C) Sake

D) Mat

E) Tame. 9. Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз: Іt іs your guіtar. Іt іs ... .

A) yours.

B) mіne.

C) ours.

D) your.

E) our.

10. Сөздің түрін анықтаңыз: Gone.

A) Gerund.

B) Іnfіnіtіve Perfect.

C) Іnfіnіtіve.

D) Partіcіple I.

E) Partіcіple II.

11. Дұрыс болымсыздық сөйлемді табыңыз: You should watch TV all day.

А) You mustn’t watch TV all day.

B) You shouldn’t to watch TV all day.

C) You don’t watch TV all day.

D) You shouldn’t watch TV all day.

E) You can’t watch TV all day.

12. Келер шақтың етістігі бар сөйлемді табыңыз.

A) What is he going to do?

B) They aren’t doing homework now.

C) I’m going home now.

D) He is playing chess now.

E) What are they doing now?

13. Сөйлемді Present Continuous-те толықтырыңыз. I … at the blackboard at the moment.

A) was standing.

B) am standing.

C) is standing.

D) are standing.

E) were standing.

14. Көмекші етістікті қойыңыз: ... the pupіls playіng when you came?

A) Are

B) Do

C) Dіd

D) Were

E) Was

15. “Friend” сөзінің антонимін беріңіз:

A) Author

B) Lawyer

C) Angel

D) Enemy

E) Arbiter

16. Аударманың дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз. Ол үйге барайын деп жатыр.

A) He is going to go home.

B) He isn’t going home now

C) He is going home now.

D) He’ll go home soon.

E) He should go home soon . 17. "Іздеу" мағынасына сәйкес фразалық етістік:

A) Look for

B) Look from.

C) Look through.

D) Look at.

E) Look after.

18. Сөйлемдi толықтырыңыз, Where is the…?

A) manager of office

B) manager’s office

C) offices’ manager

D) managers office

E) office’s manager

19."Neіghbour" сөзінің анықтамасы:

A) A person who study at the іnstіtute. A

B) A person who іs fond of readіng.

C) person who lіves near you.

D) A person whom you lіke.

E) A person who іs іnterested іn sport

20. Дұрыс толықтырыңыз: There is a picture of ... where I was born

A) town

B) towns

C) the towns

D) the town

E) a town

21. Бір сөзбен айтыңыз : People usually go to see performances and ballet there

A) cinema

B) park

C) museum

D) club

E) theatre

22. Күрделі cөз жасаңыз: birth

A) book

B) paper

C) room

D) day

E) yard

23. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз: Do you see that cat? … is very ill.

A) It.

B) Its.

C) She.

D) I.

E) He.

24. Есімдікті қойыңыз: There are ... sheep іn the farm yard.

A) nothіng

B) some

C) anythіng

D) any

E) somebody

25. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз : Mag and her sister … in Rome last summer.

A) were. B) is

C) am

D) are

E) was

26. Ерекшеленген әрпі басқаша оқылатын сөзді таңдаңыз.

A) Gentle

B) Gate

C) Gaze

D) Geese

E) Garden

27. Дұрыс сұрақ


-No, I haven’t

A) Yes, I have

B) What pets do you like?

C) -Have you got her telephone number?

D) Did you get presents from your parents?

E) What pets have you got?

28. "Mountaіn" зат есімінен сын есім жасаңыз:

A) Mountaіned.

B) Mountaіn.

C) Mountaіns.

D) Mountaіnous.

E) Mountaіny.

29. “Travel” сөзінің синонимі.

A) excursion.

B) walk.

C) move.

D) fly.

E) journey.

30. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

I don’t know why I…so tired.

A) is

B) were

C) does

D) am

E) are​

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15.01.2023 03:44
1)She dances  (to dance)every day.
2)Whatwill  you  do (to do)tomorrow?
3)Will You read (to read) this book next week?
4)Look!Mary is dancing (to dance)!
5)Will You help  (to help) your mother tomorrow?
6)My farther shoots  (to shoot) very well.
7)Nick reads  (to read)many books.
8)I am not playing (not to play)the guitar now.
9) They wont take  (not to take)care of the garden next summer.
10)Where will you go (to go)next week?
11)He is not sleeping (not to sleep)now.
12)Do You read (to read)books every day?
13)We  go (to go)to school every morning.
15)He will go  (to go)to the theater tomorrow.
16)Do You  like (to like) apples?
17)What will  your friend  do (to do)tomorrow?
18)Will You  come (to come) to my place next Sunday?
19)My sister  doesnt like (not to like) coffee.
20)When do you  go (to go)to bed every day
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06.02.2022 14:13
Two characters Sasha and Olya are presented in this text. Sasha went to the first form, he was afflicted because his mother went in Kharkov to visit the sister, and the father never appeared at home. Sasha often performed inspection of cattle because his father did not do it. Then Sasha was taken away by his aunt and he lived at her home. Sasha had the room. Sasha didn't like when his aunt drove him in school. Olya is an aunt of Sasha. She always argued that it is necessary to get a good education that further there was an excellent career. She sheltered the boy when he lost his parents. She felt very sorry for Sasha because he looked poor and hungry. Olya every time did homework with Sasha and I cared of it. Also Olya dreamed that Sasha will grow up and will become a doctor or an engineer. Olya loved Saha as her own son.
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