1. где был гулливер, когда проснулся?
2. почему гулливер не понимал императора?
3. почему лилипуты назвали гулливера человек скала?
4. какие личные вещи лилипут взял у гулливера?
5. что гулливер вернул в лилипутию ?
6. как гулливер вернулся домой?
зарание пасибо)
This story happened to Mr. Brown who lived in the suburbs of one of the towns in England. One evening he was walking home from the railway station. The road was dark and lonely. Suddenly he heard someone approaching him from behind and thought he was being followed. Mr. Brown was terribly frightened and started running. The footsteps still followed him. The man ran into an old cemetery and threw himself on the grass near one of the graves. Lying there Mr. Brown thought, ‘If he comes here there will be no doubt he wants to rob me’. The man behind really came there too. Mr. Brown wondered what he wanted and why he was following him.
The stranger said that he was going to Mr. Robertson's and he had been told that Mr. Brown lived next door to the Robertsons. That's why he decided to follow him. And the stranger thought it was a sort of exercise Mr. Brown used to do in the evenings.
1. First of all it must have all modern devices that could be used in class.
Во-первых, в ней должны быть все современные устройства, которыми можно было бы пользоваться в классе.
2. Then the breaks must last 15 minutes, not less.
Затем, переменки должны быть 15 минут, не меньше.
3. The teachers should be polite and intelligent.
Учителя должны быть вежливыми и интеллигентными.
4. Our classrooms should be big and light, and every classroom should have a smartboard.
Наши классы должны быть большими и светлыми, и в каждом должна быть интерактивная доска.
5. The canteen should be like a restaurant, so that we could order the dishes we like.
Столовая должна быть наподобие ресторана:чтобы мы могли заказать блюда, которые нам нравятся.
6. Our gym should be equipped with all possible sport equipment.
Спортзал должен быть оборудован всем возможным спортивным инвентарём.
7. No uniform!
Нет школьной формы!
8. Our homework should not be so difficult.
Домашняя работа не должна быть сложной.
9. Practical subjects should be taught during practice (I mean doing more practical then theoretical work)
Практические предметы нужно изучать посредством практики (больше практики чем теории)
10. And last but not least: during holidays school should organise tours to a foreign
И наконец! на каникулах школа должна организовывать туры за границу.