1 и 2 задания 1. Translate into English the following sentences. 1. Если бы люди не путешествовали по миру, то они бы не знали об обыне и традициях других народов. 2. Если бы Альфред Нобель не увидел результаты своего изобретения (динамит), он бы не основал свой фонд. 3. Если человек ничего не делает, он не приобретает опыт. 4. Если бы не было электричества, то человечество не пользовалась бы современными плодами цивилизации. 5. Если бы не был изобретён паровой двигатель, не произошла бы Индустриальная революция. 2.Ореп the brackets and complete the sentences. 1. I# my sister stops jogging in the morning, she 2. If people were more thoughtful, they (to gain) welght. (to be) more careful with new inventions. 3. If my father hadn't given me the article about solar energy, I to buy) solar batteries for ту country house. (not 4. If drivers followed the traffic rules, there (to be) fewer road accidents. 5. # children didn't have the Internet aссess, they more books. (to read)
6. She asked me if I sometimes had headaches.
7. He wanted to know if something was wrong with me.
8. They asked me if I had a good appetite.
9. She asked me if I would follow her advice.
10. They wanted to know if I spent much time out-of-doors.
11. I was asked to buy bread, milk and sugar.
12. He asked me to wait for him at home.
13. She told me to clean the/my room.
14. They told us to come home straight after school.
15. I was asked to take the dog for a walk.
16. We were told not to ask him silly questions.
17. We were told not to make noise.
18. We were told not to run along the corridor.
19. We were told not to waste time at the lesson.
20. I was told not to lie on my/the desk.
The text deals with a short circuit situation in electric circuits. It is known that the electric current sharply raises when two or more wires with different electric potential are connected. It should be noted that a short circuit may be very damaging for the equipment involved. It is reported that a short circuit may cause a fire. Much attention should be paid to the diameter of connecting wires that can be heavily overloaded. It is stressed that fuses or other means of protection should be used in any circuit where a short circuit situation may occurr. Thus, all possible measures should be taken to avoid a short circuit.
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