1) "I can't swim very well" I said
2) Andrew said: "I don't want to go swimming"
3) "I'll phone you later" Sarah said.
4) Annie said: "I'm hingry"
5) I told him: "I don't like tea"
6) Olaf said: "My father dous a lot of business with England"
7) The woman said: "I will pay you two pounds"
8) She said to Lilian: "You can come with me"
9) He said: "I don't think it will be interesting"
10) My friend told me: "You can go there for a year"
11) She said: "Nothing will make me do it"
12) Mike said: "My friend us a painter"
13) She said: "I am good at painting"
14) "I will have lunch on Saturday" he said
15) The teacher said: "I will give you a new task on Reported Speech"
Из прямой в косвенную речь
1) the southeast of england is well known for its flat plains, where lots of farms are situated.
2) valleys and meadows of scotland always attract a lot of tourists.
3) green henges( живая изгородь вроде-бы так переводится) in england are separating fields.
4) english scenery is famous for its green henges and green fields
5) i admire of people, which are travelling, discovering new lands and exploring them.
6) my dad has already been in the norhern ireland, but hasn't seen another parts of greatvbritain yet.
7) famous resort towns of england are situated in the southeast.
решение. 1. ri=2*r; rii=r/2; ri/rii=4; не надо ни о какой площади сечения говорить. два куска проволоки содинили последовательно, получили ri=2*r; два куска той же проволоки соединили параллельно, получили rii=r/2; ну, а теперь раздели первое на второе!
а теперь общий случай: ri=r*n; rii=r/n; ri/rii=n^2; кусок проволоки разрезали на n одинаковых кусков. сначала эти куски соединяют последовательно: ri=r*n; затем соединяют параллельно rii=r/n; ну и дели первое на второе и делай выводы.