1 I have travelled for educational purposes.
2 I'm studying French at school.
3 I also want to learn Spanish.
4 'l have travelled to Mexico and Canada.
5 Thave visited all regions of Kazakhstan.
6 'I will visit China in the near future.
I chose to visit a destination because
found a cheap flight.
Задание №7. Выберите верную форму глагола и выпишите ее.
1) I don't think that their claim is well grounded.
2) If we don't reach reach mutual understanding, our company will go through arbitration procedures when their managing director arrives.
3) Those force majeure circumstances were having a direct effect on the execution of our liabilities when the collapse happened.
4) Look, he is detaining the person presenting a stolen card.
5) They are making their advertisement tomorrow at 2 p.m.
6) The Party didn't fulfill its obligations under this contract last month.
VIII, Задание №8 Употребите глаголы вскобках в необходимых видовременных формах.
1) One day, when he was waiting at a station he noticed a small boy who was playing by the truck, (to wait, to notice, to play).
2) This lovely shawl doesn't belong to me. I have just borrowed it for the party this evening, (not to belong, to borrow).
3) This time next week you will be crossing the Pacific on your way home, (to cross).
4) They don't come to cinema tonight, because they haven't done their homework at that time, (not come to, to do).
5) Looking out of the window we saw that a large number of policemen were standing around, (to see, to stand).
6) The train to London leaves at 8a.m. Have you heard? (to leave, not to hear).
500 грамм фарша;
1 луковица;
1 стакан риса;
соль и перец по вкусу.
Блюдо из мяса «Ёжики». Приготовление.
Рис отвариваем.
Лук измельчаем.
Фарш можно взять любой.
Смешиваем фарш, рис, яйцо, лук, соль и перец.
Из получившейся массы делаем небольшие шарики и кладём на подогретый и смазанный растительным маслом противень.
Запекаем в духовке при 180 градусах минут 20-30 до готовности.
500 grams of meat;
1 onion;
1 glass of rice;
salt and pepper to taste.
Dish of meat «Hedgehogs». Cooking.
Rice boiled.
Onions finely.
Minced you can take any.
Mix the minced meat, rice, egg, onion, salt and pepper.
From the resulting mass make small balls and place on heated and oiled baking sheet.
Bake at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes until tender.