1) I (must) go to the park yesterday.
2) (Can) you write a letter tomorrow?
3) He (should) grow flowers in the garden. He hasn't much time to do it.
4) When she was a little girl, she (can) learn poems by heart quickly.
5) (Must) you study the new grammar rule for tomorrow's lesson?
6) (May) he close the window next lesson?
7) He (may) not go there tomorrow.
8) She (may) read the book last week.
9) You (mustn't) translate the text yesterday.
10) (May) I take your computer game tomorrow?
2. Over 21 000 accredited media communicated the Games
3. About 10 500 athletes took a part in the Games
4. 204 countries participated
5. 14 million meals were served at the Games
6. 302 medal events being held
7. LOGOG had sourced over one million pieces of sport eqipment
8. 20 million spectator journeys were made in London
9. 26 sports, featuring 39 disciplines were contested during the Games
10. There were 5770 team officials worked
11. 8.8 villion tickets were available
12. 70 000 vollunteers were involved
Лето: стрельба из лука, легкая атлетика, бадминтон, бейсбол, баскетбол, пелота, бокс, гребля на байдарках и каноэ, крикет, крокет, велоспорт, дайвинг, конный спорт, фехтование, футбол, гольф,
гимнастика, гандбол, хоккей на траве, игра в мяч с ракеткой, дзюдо.