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1. if i … my finger, i wouldn’t hurt for weeks. a. will cut; b) cut; c) would cut; d) had cut 2. if my train were late, i … a taxi. a. will take; b) take; c) would take; d) had taken 3. i would go there if i … you. a. am; b) be; c) was; d) were 4. i … to see you if i had enough time. a) would come; b) will come; c) come; d) came 5. if i … a receptionist, i would welcome holidaymakers. a. will be; b) was; c) were; d) am 6. i wish it … winter now. a. will be; b) was; c) is; d) were 7. i wish we … go to the crimea. a. will be able to; b) can; c) could; d) would be able to 8. i wish she … at home now. a. were b) is; c) was; d) would be 9. i wish you … your best. a. will do; b) have done; c) do; d) did 10. i wish my parents … a new computer. a. bought ; b) will buy; c) would buy; d) buy 11. if only he … a journalist. a. were; b) is; c) are; d) will be 12. if only he … the competition a. will win; b) won; c) would win; d) had won 13. if only we … at home today. a. stayed; b) will stay; c) would stay; d) stay 14. if only i … the language of birds. a. have known; b) know; c) would know; d) knew 15. if only he … a treasure of gold. a. found; b) find; c) will find; d) would find 16. if i … my homework now, i would go for a walk. a. finish; b) finished; c) would finish; d) had finished 17. if i had enough time, i … on the computer. a. would work; b) had worked; c) work; d) worked 18. i would make medicines if i … a chemist. a. am; b) be; c) were; d) will be 19. i … you if you asked me. a) would help; b) will help; c) helped; d) help 20.if she … here now, i would be really happy. a. will be; b) were; c) would be; d) am 21. i wish it … summer now. a. will be; b) would be; c) were; d) is 22. i wish i … her. a. saw; b) see; c) would see; d) will see 23. i wish she … a porridge for breakfast. a. have b) has; c) had; d) will have 24. i wish you … ill. a. won’t be; b) were; c) were not; d) are 25. i wish my friend … a pet. a. had ; b) will have; c) would have; d) has 26. if only she … a nurse. a. were; b) is; c) are; d) will be 27. if only he … in paris a. will be; b) had been; c) is; d) were 28. if only we … the film. a. see; b) saw; c) would see; d) will see 29. if only i … the truth. a. knew; b) know; c) would know; d) have known 30.if only they … french. speak; b) spoke; c) will speak; d) would speak

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12.05.2021 05:36
1. What flowers smell so nice?
Roses smell so nice.

2. What parents travel just round Europe?
Don’s parents travel round Europe.

3. Why didn’t Victor swing himself in the garden yesterday evening?
He was ill yesterday evening.

4. What kind of books does your sister like to read best of all?
She likes to read fairy tales.

5. What is your favourite TV programme?
My favourite TV programme is news.

6. How did the travel round Africa last year?
They travelled round Africa by car last year.

7. Which of your family has moved the grass in the field this morning?
My father has moved the grass in the field this morning.

8. When did Fred ride a horse last time?
Fred rode a horse last June.

9. What seeds did you sow in the kitchen garden the other day?
I sowed carrots and radish in the kitchen garden the other day.

10. What game are the boys playing in the yard now?
The boys are playing rugby in the yard now.

11. What colour does your uncle paint his house in the country?
My uncle paints his house grey in the country.
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13.05.2020 09:32
Moscow - a city for walking! do you want to see this? stroll through the old bridge. each of our trip focused on a certain corner of the city or the theme, revealing a wealth of history, culture and architecture of moscow. our guides, sincerely in love with this city, happy to share their very personal stories about moscow. you can be a muscovite who has lived here all his life, or a guest, deciding where to take a walk in moscow - come to our walk! and in the first and in the second case it will be something to surprise you, so that you will never look at moscow the same way again!most often it is not professional guides and historians, architects, restorers, journalists, philologists but what unites them all - so this is a sincere love for moscow. they each have their very personal relationship to the city, its history associated with it, my cherished corners. therefore, all our hiking in moscow - this is a very personal, not unlike any other story, this song is dedicated to moscow. you do not need to book anything in advance. especially pay money in advance. all you need - is to come to the scheduled time and place of the tour, and meet with the guide. and if your plans have changed, and you could not get out for a walk - you have nothing to lose! no money, no opportunity to get out for a walk along the old moscow you have chosen - after it again next week at the same time. despite the uniqueness of our walking tours - the cost of participation in them is low. for the same money you can go to the movies or eat heartily at mcdonalds'. and we are often there are discounts.
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