1. If I (to send) an email yesterday, I (to get) an answer in time.
2. If this company (to develop) new software, they (not to have) problem with their database.
3. I wish I (to become) hotel manager last year.
4. If Muriel (to be) younger, she (not to be) forced to retire three years ago.
5. I wish I (to work) as part of a team in this office now.
6. If people (to mistrust) civil servants, it (to tell) on negatively on their work.
7. If Mr.Rick (to work) on his own, he (not to feel) a great sense of achievement last year.
8. If this department (to want) to overcome bureaucracy and red tape, they (to motivate) their employees.
9. I wish I (to spend) more time with customers now.
The traditions of Easter celebration vary from country to country. For example, in our country the Sunday before Easter is called a Willow Sunday. On this day people bring home some willow branches which have been blessed in church. Thursday before Easter is called Clean Thursday. Traditionally people should bathe before sunrise on this day. Houses and flats should be cleaned too.
Пасха является одним из самых важных христианских праздников. Точная дата праздника меняется из года в год, однако обычно это выпадает на апрель.
Традиции празднования Пасхи различны во всех странах. Например, в нашей стране воскресенье перед Пасхой называется Вербным воскресеньем. В этот день люди приносят домой несколько веточек вербы, освещенные в церкви. Четверг перед Пасхой называется Чистый четверг. Традиционно в этот день люди должны искупаться до восхода солнца. Дома и квартиры должны быть также убраны.
2. if the grill studied well last year, she didn't receive bad marks.
3. if he didn't brake bicycle, he went to the country.
4. if he doesn't speak english badly: he has practice.
5. if I hadn't a bad headache yesterday, I came to see you.
6. if the ship wasn't sailing near the coast, it's not struck a rock.
7. if he was in town, he was present at our meeting.
8. if pavement wasn't so slippery, I didn't fall and didn't hurt my leg.
9. if the sea isn't rough, we can sail to the island.
10. if they didn't made a fire, the frightened wolves didn't run away.