1. Imagine you live in 2080. Describe how you use virtual reality in your daily life. 2. Write five predictions about other technological developments in the future.
Summer is my favorite time of the year. Summer holidays are the longest. This year I spent my summer holidays in the country. Most of the time I walked, cycled, spent time with my friends. When the weather was hot, we went to the river. In the evenings, I helped my mother water the beds in the garden. I liked my summer holidays very much.
Лето — мое любимое время года. Летние каникулы самые длинные. В этом году я провел летние каникулы в деревне. Большую часть времени я гулял, ездил на велосипеде, проводил время с друзьями. Когда погода была жаркая, мы ходили на реку. По вечерам я маме поливать грядки в саду. Мне очень понравились мои летние каникулы.
Work as I conducted summer vacations This summer I conducted summer vacations maximally productively and useful. I not simply whole days sat at the computer, television, went simply for a street. I helped the parents on a house. Asked them to assign to me and executed him diligently. In a middle a summer I conducted summer vacations in country for a grandmother and grand-dad. For them I in every way tried to them to help on a house, vegetable garden, economy. Fed a dog, cat, chickens. Tried to behave well and not to do for a grand-dad with a grandmother mood. They by me were satisfied and tried to me in everything to please. Asked, that to buy me and did gifts to me. At the end of summer I conducted summer vacations in a camp in-field at a lake. There very pleased me. Crisp air, beauty of the forest, warm water of lake. In a camp I became acquainted and потоваришував with boys and girls. It was very interestingly in a camp, because every day was gap-filling безліччю events. In the day-time we went for a lake, in the forest, gathered mushrooms. In the evening we looked the animated cartoons or films
Summer is my favorite time of the year. Summer holidays are the longest. This year I spent my summer holidays in the country. Most of the time I walked, cycled, spent time with my friends. When the weather was hot, we went to the river. In the evenings, I helped my mother water the beds in the garden. I liked my summer holidays very much.
Лето — мое любимое время года. Летние каникулы самые длинные. В этом году я провел летние каникулы в деревне. Большую часть времени я гулял, ездил на велосипеде, проводил время с друзьями. Когда погода была жаркая, мы ходили на реку. По вечерам я маме поливать грядки в саду. Мне очень понравились мои летние каникулы.