1. In 2019; 2. To Yuryeu Day; 3. The Patron Saint of harvest and domestic animals; 4. Flower wreaths; 5. Through
the rushnik gate; 6. They sing ceremonial songs; 7. Because the
young leave the village and no one will be able to perform this
unique rite in the future.
Я не уверена, что переводить нужно было именно так. .-.
a) Does she make breakfast for her husband and children? - общий
b) What does she make for her husband and children? - специальный
c) Who makes breakfast for husband and children? - к подлежащему (she)
d) Does she make breakfast for husband or children? - альтернативный
e) She makes breakfast for her husband and children, doesn't she? - разделительный
a) Do they go to school with their father every morning? - общий
b) Where do they go with their father every morning? - специальный
c) Who go to school with their father every morning? - к подлежащему (they)
d) Do they go to school with their father every morning or every evening? - альтернативный
e) They go to school with their father every morning, don't they? - разделительный