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1. It Jack’s birthday two days ago. A) was B) were C) is D) are
2. A: Who you eat with?
B: Well, I dinner with friends.
A) did / eat B) did / eats C) did / ate D) did / eaten
3. Ann usually to work, but yesterday she .
A) drive / walks B) drives / walked C) drove / walked D) drive / walk
4. It usually a lot in winter but last year it .
A) rains / snowed B) rains / snows C) rain / snowed D) rain / snow
5. Ann and Max usually sailing at weekends, but last weekend they tennis.
A) goes / played B) go / played C) went / play D) went / played
6. Now she alone, but when she was a child she with her mother and sisters.
A) live / lived B) lives / lived C) lived / lives D) live / lived
7. Where she live in 1950?
A) does B) is C) did D) do
8. She work when she was 8.
A) started B) starts C) start D) starting
9. “ you like the film?”
“No, I .”
A) Are / am not B) Did / didn’t C) Do / didn’t D) Are / didn’t
10. “When you have your last holiday?”
“Last August.”
A) do B) are C) did D) is
11. We were when we passed the test because it was quite difficult.
A) envious B) relieved C) suspicious D) upset
12. I was when I dropped my tray of food in the canteen.
A) embarrassed B) envious C) proud D) relieved
13. You were extremely when you watched that sad film last week. You cried!
A) proud B) relieved C) suspicious D) upset
14. The sports teacher was very of us when we won the match.
A) anxious B) embarrassed C) envious D) proud
15. Mum was when my brother didn't come home on time.
A) anxious B) envious C) relieved D) proud
16. We at the breakfast table when the doorbell.
A) were sitting/rang B) sat/was ringing
17. He a lot of friendly people while he in California.
A) was meeting/worked B) met/was working
18. When they the museum, the sun.
A) left/ was shining B) were leaving/shone
19. The students cards when the teacher in.
A) were playing/came B) played/was coming
20. While the children , their parents TV.
A) were sleeping/ were watching A) slept/watched
21. It to rain while she the flowers in her garden.
A) was starting/watered B) started/was watering
22. When I the door, it .
A) was opening/rained B) opened/was raining
23. He a loud bang while he to his friend.
A) was hearing/talked B) heard/ was talking
24. While he a shower, his dogs his steaks.
A) was taking/ were eating B) took/ate
25. I always take a long with me when l go climbing.
A) paintball B) poles C) rope d) boot
26. When I went kayaking, I broke my and had to use my hands to get to the edge of the river.
A) boots B) paddles C) poles D) rope
27. People who go kayaking usually wear a for safety.
A) boots B) life jacket C) paddles D) poles
28. Good are really important if you’re walking a long way and you want to protect your feet.
A) boots B) paddles C) paintballing D) poles
29. It only takes time to learn the rules of this game.
A) a few B) how many C) a little D) how much
30. singing did you do at your drama club yesterday?
A) A few B) How many C) A little D) How much
31. Jenny thinks that films are more imaginative than the books.
A) some B) how many C) any D) how much
32. I haven’t got video games at the moment, not a single one.
A) some B) many C) any D) much
33. Have you got homework to do this weekend?
A) how many B) many C) how much D) much
34. Was there food left in the fridge?
A) some B) many C) any D) much
35. We don’t have juice in the fridge, but there’s a lot of milk.
A) how many B) many C) how much D) much
36. Hurry up! There are only tickets left.
A) a few B) many C) a little D) much
37. You are not allowed to talk to other people during the competition.
You talk to other people during the competition.
A) don’t have to B) mustn’t
38. Don’t forget to pay £10 to enter.
You forget to pay ВЈ10 to enter.
A) don’t have to B) mustn’t
39. It isn’t necessary to bring your own headphones.
You bring your own headphones.
A) mustn’t B) needn’t
40. You are not allowed to use your mobile phone.
You use your mobile phone.
A) mustn’t B) needn’t
41. When I want to know if it’s going to be sunny, I watch this.
A) weather forecast B) documentary C) animation D) reality show
42. I watch this type of programme if I want to learn interesting facts about something, like wildlife, for example.
A) weather forecast B) documentary C) animation D) reality show
43. In this programme, you watch normal people living together and vote for who you like best.
A) animation B) reality show C) soap opera D) chat show

Показать ответ
18.01.2022 08:07

1) A

2) C

3) B

4) A

5) B

6) B

7) C

8) A

9) B

10) A

11) B

12) A

13) D

14) D

15) A

16) A

17) B

18) A

19) A


21) B

22) B

23) B

24) A

25) C

26) B

27) B

28) A

29) C



32) B

33) D

34) A

35) D

36) A

37) A

38) B

39) B

40) A

41) A

42) B

43) B

Вроде так :/

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