1 Juan HI. Petra 'Is this Class 2? Juan Yos, it? you in this class, too? Petra Yes, 1 What your name? Juan 1 Juan. Petra My name Petra. Juan Where" you from, Petra? Petra 1 from the Czech Republic. And you? Juan 110 from Madrid, Petra you Spanish? Juan No," Mexican, but I live in Spain. Petra Who our teacher? Juan Her name Diane. Petra she English? Juan No, she American Petra Where the other students? 20 they in class? Juan No, they ? They In the cafól 11 18 . She 19 21
I have been reading this book for three days. We have been playing volleyball for twenty minutes. She has been cleaning the flat for more than an hour. Peter has been swiming for half an hour. Anna has been speaking on the phone for an hour now. You have been waiting for a bus for ten minutes only. Nelly and Mary have been doing the shopping since early morning. It has been snowing since last night. Jack and his friend have been riding bikes for three hours now. The teacher has been explaining a grammar rule since the beginning of the lesson.
Michelangelo, in full Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet. — Микеланджело, полное имя Микеланджело Буонарроти ди Лодовико Симони, итальянский скульптор, живописец, архитектор, поэт.Date of birth: March 6, 1475. — Дата рождения: 6 марта 1475.Education: Humanist Academy in Florence. — Образование: Гуманистическая Академия во Флоренции.Most famous works: the Statue of David, Sistine Chapel frescos. — Наиболее известные произведения: статуя Давида, фрески Сикстинской капеллы.Additional info: wrote over 300 poems — Дополнительная информация: написал более 300 стихотворенийQuotation: ‘However rich I may have been, I have always lived like a poor man.’ — Цитата: «Не смотря на то, что я был богатый, я всегда жил как бедняк».Date of death: February 18, 1564. — Дата смерти: 18 февраля 1564.Микеланджело и Макиавелли были из Флоренции.