1 Look and trace the right word. trumpet guitar
piano recorder
trumpet guitar
piano recorder
trumpet guitar
piano recorde
trumpet guitar
piano records
trumpet guitar
piano record
Cover this page after page 75 of the Pupil's Book.
нужно для ребёнка
I have breakfast every morning.
I drink tea with cookies before school.
I somtimes forgot get sugar in tea.
At holidays i eat a porridge every morning.
I no miss no one breakfast.
I would like pumpkin porridge
Breakfast help me school to study in .
I like cookies with chocolate in morning
Somtimes i have breakfast without cookies
I believe, i have got a best breakfast!
Я завтракаю каждое утро.
Я пью чай с печеньем перед школой.
Я иногда забывал добавить сахар в чай.
В каникулы я ем кашу каждое утро.
Я не пропускаю ни одного завтрака.
Я люблю тыквенную кашу
Завтрак мне учиться в школе .
Я люблю печенье с шоколадом по утрам
Иногда я завтракаю без печенья
Я считаю, что у меня лучший завтрак!
A crow is a common black bird that found everywhere. It has brown eyes, black legs, and a short tail. It eats fruits, grain, insects, warms and flesh. It has very harsh voice. It caws loudly. The common crow may usually live for about 7 years, although some have lived as long as 14 years in the wild. Moreover, they prove to be very useful when it comes to controlling pests that destroy crops. There are various myths associated with crows. They are depicted in various forms in different cultures