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28.05.2022 14:41 •  Английский язык

1. Make questions in the Present Simple Tense. How much(the tickets/cost)? A. How much are the tickets cost?
B. How much does the tickets cost?
C. How much do the tickets cost?
D. How much is the tickets cost?
E. How many money do the tickets cost?
2. Make negative sentence in the Present Simple Tense. They(not/watch) sports on TV.
A. They don't watch sports on TV.
B. They isn't watch sports on TV.
C. They aren't watch sports on TV.
D. They doesn't watch sports on TV.
E. They aren’t watch sports on TV.
3. Make questions in the Present Simple Tense.
What(Dana/wear) when she plays rugby?
A. What are Dana wear when she plays rugby?
B. What do Dana wear when she plays rugby?
C. What does Dana wear when she plays rugby?
D. What is Dana wear when she plays rugby?
E. What has Dana wear when she plays rugby?
4.Make a negative sentence in the Present Simple Tense.
He(not/like) gymnastics.
A. He doesn't like gymnastics.
B. He isn't like gymnastics.
C. He aren't like gymnastics.
D. He don't like gymnastics.
E. He doesn't likes gymnastics.
5. Put the words in the correct order.
figure skating /on TV / watch / I /sometimes / watch /.
A. I watch sometimes figure skating on TV.
B. I sometimes watch figure skating on TV.
C. Sometimes watch I on TV figure skating.
D. Figure skating I watch on TV sometimes.
6. Translate into English: Когда Мама была ребёнком, она играла на домбре.
A. When my mum was a child, she played the dombra.
B. When my mum was a child, she play the dombra.
C. When my mum is a child, she played the dombra.
D. When my mum is a child, she plays the dombra.
E. When mu mum was a child, she was played the dombra.
7. My sister comesthe house and starts to cook dinner
A. out of
B. over
C. off
D. into
E. on
8.Read the description and find the word. It can sing. What is it?Don’t choose bird.
A. a dombra
B. Lake Kaindy
C. Singing Sand
D. an eagle
E. a bird
9. Choose the correct nationalities for these countries: France, Russia, China, Australia, England, Germany and Kazakhstan
A. French, Russian, Chinese, Australian, English, German, Kazakh
B. French, Russia, China, Australian, English, German, Kazakh
C. French, Russian, Chinese, Australian, English, Germany, Kazakh
D. French, Russian, Chinese, Australia, England, German, Kazakh
E. French, Russian, Chinese, Australasian, Englishman, German, Kazakhstani
10. Choose the correct preposition. It’s great to listen __ his story.
A. to
B. -
C. of
D. at
E. for
11. What fruit comes from Kazakhstan?
A. banana
B. apple
C. watermelon
D. grapes
E. peach
12. Read the text and find the second part of the sentence: The water in Lake Kaindy..
Lake Kaidy is 400 metres long and about 30 metres deep. The underwater forest there is amazing! You can see the tops of the trees coming out of the water like long white spears! The water in the lake is very cold (only about 6 degrees Celsus in summer), but very clear. When you dive into the lake – if you are brave enough – you can see the pine needles from the trees below the water!
A. is in Northern Ireland.
B. is deep
C. that go all the way down to the sea.
D. forest in Lake Kaindy.
E. is very cold!
13. Choose the opposites
A. fast –expensive
B. safe – dangerous
C. quiet – old
D. clean – slow
E. long - wide
14. Make a noun from collect
A. collectin
B. collecsion
C. collection
D. collective
E. collectness
15. Solve the puzzle
A. boy
B. break
C. brick
D. book
E. brook
16. Put the article “an” to the word:
A. book
B. chair
C. hat
D. ear
E. pencil
17. Change the word into “it”:
A. Dogs
B. Car
C. Children
D. Mary
E. Apples
18. Write plural form of the noun “child”:
A. Children
B. Childs
C. Childes
D. Childrens
E. Childez
19. Compare “The country is … than the city”:
A. Healthier
B. More healthy
C. Much healthy
D. Health
E. Healthyer
20. Write the date “15 July”:
A. Fifteen in July
B. Fifteen of July
C. The fifteenth of July
D. July, fifteenth
E. The fifteen of July
21. Put the question to the sentence: I (go) to school?
A. Is I go to school?
B. Do I go to school?
C. I go to school?
D. Go I to school?
E. Goes I to school?
22. Odd-one-out.
A. Wonderful
B. Happy
C. Important
D. Favourite
E. Hobby
23. Choose the right answer “He (go) to work every day”:
A. Goes
B. Go
C. Goed
D. Went
E. Going
24. Odd-one-out.
A. Riding a bike
B. Stamp collecting
C. Painting
D. Computer studies
E. Photography
25. Choose the correct sentence.
A. I like dance.
B. He go skiing.
C. My mother can swim when she was twelve.
D. My sister cans jump.
E. Tom loves cooking.
26. Complete the sentence “There’s a … of Abai in our city”:
A. Bridge
B. Theatre
C. Statue
D. Concert hall
E. Building
27. Find countable noun:
A. Water
B. Spaghetti
C. Tree
D. Air
E. Sugar
28. Write the time “19:45”:
A. It’s a quarter to seven.
B. It’s a quarter to eight.
C. It’s a quarter past seven.
D. It’s forty-five minutes to eight.
E. It’s seven past forty-five.
29. Find uncountable noun:
A. Water
B. Chair
C. Boy
D. Tree
E. Flower

Показать ответ
07.01.2021 23:25
The official date of opening of the Cathedral is October 20, 1708 — birthday of architect Rena (the day he turned 76 years old), but the actual service at the Cathedral commenced on 2 December 1697. Before commencing construction, the Ren actually had three completely alter the project. The first project intended to build on the Foundation of the burned-out fourth Cathedral new big Church. This project was rejected almost immediately — apparently the authorities wanted something more grandiose. The second project involved the construction of a Church, having in view the plan of a Greek cross. This project was worked out in detail — suffice it to say that up to the present time preserved is executed in scale 1:24 layout of this Cathedral, which today is exhibited in the Cathedral of St. Paul. However, this project was also rejected as too radical. The third project of Ren involves the construction of a rather large Church with a dome and two towers with belfries. This project was approved, and in June 1675 the construction work began. However, soon after king Charles II re-claimed for the project and ordered changes, which he described as decorative. These decorative change was a large dome, made to St. Paul's Cathedral one of the biggest London attractions. It is generally accepted that the dome of the Cathedral was very similar to the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

Under the dome there are three galleries: the internal whispering gallery and exterior stone and Golden gallery. Whispering gallery owes its name not provided by architects, especially its acoustics: a word even spoken in a whisper, at one end of the gallery, repeatedly reflected its walls, causing a murmur could hear people on the other end of the gallery.

In the steeples of the Cathedral are 17 bells, 13 of them in the North-West tower and 4 (including the bell Big Paul (eng. Great Paul) and Large Volume (eng. Great Tom) — in the South-West tower.
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12.07.2021 00:26


The ant immediately recognizes the stranger. And to unsubscribe to a stranger different anthills in different ways. Depends on the relationship between the nests. The fact is that in many species of ants, anthills, the queens (and, therefore, workers) of which are close relatives to each other, are in the cooperative Relationships . There are even whole "families" or "kingdoms" of ant communities that rigidly divide the territory with other "families" or "kingdoms", while maintaining very friendly relations within such a conglomer anthills. Therefore, the "stranger" will be destroyed, and the "relative" may well be accepted as his own.

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