1. Match the words with their translation
to get on
место у окна
to get off
место у прохода
a guide
выйти из автобуса
a guided tour
войти в автобус
to book a ticket
a window seat
заказать билет
an aisle seat
экскурсия с экскурсоводом
3. Choose the best tense.
1. We go l are going to Moscow in August. 2. I go / am going to Grodno tomorrow. 3. The train won't / doesn’t stop at Molodechno. 4. When does / will school start? 5.I visit / am visiting them on Saturday. 6. Are you going / Do you go to Gomel next week? 7.1 write / will write this letter tomorrow. 8. My train leaves / will leave at two o’clock.
5. Translate into English:
1. Он уезжает в Сидней через полтора часа.
2. Его рейс отправляется в 12.45.
3. Мистер Рамблер полетит в Лондон в следующем месяце.
4. Его рейс прибывает в Сидней через 21 час.
5. Она забронировала место у прохода.
Reading improves our outlook and helps us to think wider. Moreover reading of magazines let us get to know about new tendencies in modern life, social streams and so on. It is a common fact that the variety of magazines on today market is uncountable. Thus everyone is able to choose something interesting. For example, my classmates can’t wait to buy a fresh number of “Cosmopolitan”, “Viva” etc. They believe that articles in it may help in their life. So what can I say - “Tastes differ”.
As for me I’m keen of art in any kind. That’s why I’m trying to read as many interesting articles regarding contemporary art as possible. I think this helps in self-realization and gives better understanding of the world as it’s the common fact that art reflects all the tendencies which exist in society.