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№1 multiple choice cloze read this text and decide which answer a, b, c or в best first each space. there is an example (0) at the beginning. adam had no idea where he (0) b , but he just kept on driving. his girlfriend (1) him a few hours before, saying that he (2) enough attention to her and that he (3) really love her. he (4) to apologize, to explain that the problem (5) his work and the little time that it left him, but she (6) to listen. when he (7) in the car he (8) for hours on end. at first he had wanted to go and find her but then he (9) his mind. now he (10) round in circles in the area where she lived. suddenly he (11) sight of her standing in the middle of the street and waving. he immediately (12) and (13) out of the car. in tears, she told him she (14) him for everything and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. 0 a went b was going c has gone d is 1 a left b was leaving c had left d leaves 2 a was never paying b had never paid c never pay d is never paying 3 a isn’t b didn’t c wasn’t d hadn’t 4 a tries b had tried c had been trying d was trying 5 a is b was c hadn’t wanted d would be 6 a doesn’t want b hasn’t wanted c had been getting d hadn’t been wanting 7 a got b was getting c had drunk d gets 8 a has drunk b has been drinking c changer d had been drinking 9 a changes b was changing c had been driving d had been changing 10 a had driven b was driving c would catch d drove 11 a was catching b caught c would catch d had been catching 12 a braked b brakes c was braking d had braked 13 a got b had got c had been getting d was getting 14 a was forgiving b forgives c forgave d had been forgiving № 2 word formation use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. there is an example (0) at the beginning. 0 i’m telling you the truth ! i swear! true 1 your composition isn’t good enough. you’ll have to it. write 2 did you know susan used to work as a when she was younger? wait 3 they need your before they can do it. sign 4 it all happened quite - i didn’t have time to think. sudden 5 i’m sure her new film is going to be a huge . succeed 6 did he give an for his actions? explain 7 the of the village are all very kind. inhabit 8 he isn’t very , but he looks gorgeous. talent 9 they have a very good working . relate № 3 vocabulary choose the correct word or phrase a, b, c or d to complete these sentences. 1 he in english from manchester university. a studied b read c finished d graduated 2 my brother often took my toys and i used to with him every day. a fall b argue c shout d scream 3 could you your name here, please? a sign b signal c signature d signing 4 the police are now the case. a looking for b investigating c searching for d inspecting 5 the teacher tried to the class but he couldn’t; they were rebellious. a make b stop с inspect d control 6 you should your compositions carefully before handing them in. a check b control c investigate d inspect 7 the hotel is once a year to ensure that high standards are maintained. a searched b inspected c controlled d investigated 8 she went a lot of pain after the operation. a over b on c in d through 9 they haven’t decided whether to go with the plan yet. a ahead b over с off d by 10 as time went , he was getting better and better. a ahead b away c by d through 11 they knew the climb was going to be difficult, but still they went with it. a over b through c off d by 12 i loved him at first, but when i got to know him better, i went him. a out of b from c off d ahead of 13 i was to see what a good actor my younger brother was. a furious b astonished c attracted d obvious 14 now that we’ve house, i finally have my own room. a moved b set c left d arrived 15 all the photographs will be taken location. a in b at c near d on № 4 key word transformations complete these sentences using the correct form (past simple, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous) of the verb in brackets. 1 i (live) in the old house when i first (meet) rebecca. 2 she (think) we (meet) before, otherwise she would have introduced us. 3 my father (never/be) on holiday abroad before he (get) married. 4 we (listen) to music when the earthquake (happen). 5 i (sing) while katy (play) the piano. 6 the play /start) by the time we (arrive) at the theatre. 7 they (live) together for a few months when i (meet) them. 8 she (walk) down the street when i (see) her. 9 i (not graduate) from university when i (meet) my husband. 10 by the end of the evening, they (talk) about everything, so there (be) nothing left to talk about.

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10.01.2020 00:53
Our house is very large and comfortable. Although it's got only one floor, it has all the amenities and space for each family member. There is a large entrance hall which has a clothes rack and shelves for shoes. Right from the hallway you will find yourself in the spacious corridor and if you turn right, you can enter the living room where we spend time together, watching TV or just talking about the day's events. If you go left, you will find yourself in the dining room where there is a large table and six chairs. Here we have lunch, breakfast and dinner. From the dining room you can go to our kitchen. It is spacious and very modern. We have a lot of household appliances: a fridge,a stove, a dishwasher, a mixer, a blender, a bread maker, a microwave and various necessary devices for cooking. Then you can pass in a small hall where you'll find the door to the bathroom and toilet. If you go right you'll see my room and my parents' bedroom. My room is wonderful, it is large and bright. I have everything I need: a computer desk, a sofa, two armchairs, a wardrobe, a large mirror and a lot of posters on the walls. The parents' room is also great, but I rarely go there. We have a wonderful home!

Наш дом очень большой и уютный. Хотя он одноэтажный, в нем есть все удобства и место для каждого члена семьи. В нашем доме большая прихожая в которой есть вешалка для одежды и полки для обуви. Сразу из прихожей вы найдете себя в просторном коридоре и если свернете направо, то можете войти в зал, в котором мы проводим время все вместе по вечерам смотря телевизор или просто разговаривая о событиях дня. Если из коридора вы пойдете налево, вы найдете себя  в столовой, где стоит большой стол и стулья. Здесь мы обедаем, завтракаем и ужинаем. Из столовой вы можете пройти в нашу кухню. Она просторная и очень современная. У нас много бытовой техники: холодильник, плита, посудомоечная машина, миксер, блендер, хлебопечка, микроволновая печь и разные очень нужные устройства для приготовления пищи. Из коридора вы можете пройти в маленький холл, в котором найдете дверь в ванную комнату и туалет. Если вы пройдете прямо то увидите мою комнату и спальню моих родителей. Моя комната замечательная, она большая и светлая. У меня есть все необходимое для меня: компьютерный стол, диван, два кресла, шкаф для одежды, большое зеркало и много плакатов на стене. Комната родителей тоже большая, но я редко туда захожу. У нас замечательный дом!
Сочинение на на тему мой дом с переводом
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08.12.2022 11:27

Our house is very large and comfortable. Although it's got only one floor, it has all the amenities and space for each family member. There is a large entrance hall which has a clothes rack and shelves for shoes. Right from the hallway you will find yourself in the spacious corridor and if you turn right, you can enter the living room where we spend time together, watching TV or just talking about the day's events. If you go left, you will find yourself in the dining room where there is a large table and six chairs. Here we have lunch, breakfast and dinner. From the dining room you can go to our kitchen. It is spacious and very modern. We have a lot of household appliances: a fridge,a stove, a dishwasher, a mixer, a blender, a bread maker, a microwave and various necessary devices for cooking. Then you can pass in a small hall where you'll find the door to the bathroom and toilet. If you go right you'll see my room and my parents' bedroom. My room is wonderful, it is large and bright. I have everything I need: a computer desk, a sofa, two armchairs, a wardrobe, a large mirror and a lot of posters on the walls. The parents' room is also great, but I rarely go there. We have a wonderful home!

Наш дом очень большой и уютный. Хотя он одноэтажный, в нем есть все удобства и место для каждого члена семьи. В нашем доме большая прихожая, в которой есть вешалка для одежды и полки для обуви. Сразу из прихожей вы очутитесь в просторном коридоре и, если свернете направо, то можете войти в зал, в котором мы проводим время все вместе по вечерам, смотря телевизор или просто разговаривая о событиях дня. Если из коридора вы пойдете налево, вы очутитесь  в столовой, где стоит большой стол и стулья. Здесь мы обедаем, завтракаем и ужинаем. Из столовой вы можете пройти в нашу кухню. Она просторная и очень современная. У нас много бытовой техники: холодильник, плита, посудомоечная машина, миксер, блендер, хлебопечка, микроволновая печь и разные очень нужные устройства для приготовления пищи. Из коридора вы можете пройти в маленький холл, в котором найдете дверь в ванную комнату и туалет. Если вы пройдете прямо, то увидите мою комнату и спальню моих родителей. Моя комната замечательная, она большая и светлая. У меня есть все необходимое для меня: компьютерный стол, диван, два кресла, шкаф для одежды, большое зеркало и много плакатов на стене. Комната родителей тоже большая, но я редко туда захожу. У нас замечательный дом!

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