1. напишите глаголы, соответствующие следующим словам, и переведите те и другие на язык: organization, improvement, employment, agreement, building, division, caring.
2. составьте предложения, употребляя следующие слова и выражения:
employ, job, company, successful, well-paid, increase.
3. напишите словами следующие числительные: 245, 418, 529, 800; десятичные дроби 10,438; 16,754; годы: 1600, 2005: простые дроби 2/3, 4/7.
4. ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. do you like travelling?
2. what place are you going to visit next summer?
3. you like taking pictures of the places you visit, don’t you?
4. what places do you like visiting in nizhny novgorod?
5. are there many museums in nizhny novgorod.
6. what is your favorite place in dzerzhinsk?
7. is dzerzhinsk a good place to live in?
8. what street do you live in dzerzhinsk?
5 вопросов к тексту.
what is so special about oxford and cambridge, the two oldest universities in england? why do so many students want to study there?
both of these university towns are very beautiful. they have some of the finest architecture in britain. some of their colleges and libraries are three, four and even five hundred years old, and are full of valuable books and precious paintings. both towns have many lovely gardens, where the students can read and relax in the summer months.
oxford is the older university of the two. the first of its colleges was founded in 1249. the university now has thirty-four colleges and about twelve thousand students, many of them from other countries. oxford is, of course, famous for its first class education as well as its beautiful buildings. some of the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work here. oxford gives them what they need: a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues, and the four-hundred-year-old bodleian library, which has about five million books.
it is not easy to get a place at oxford university to study for a degree. but outside the university there are many smaller private colleges which offer less difficult courses and where it is easy to enroll. many students in these private schools take business, secretarial or english language courses.
6. выпишите сказуемые из всех предложений, определите их временную форму, укажите их инфинитив.
на выходных я ходила в гости к своей любимой бабушке . мы пили чай с конфетами хорошо проводили время . после гостей я отправилась домой делать уроки . после того как я сделала уроки я поужинала и легла спать. на следующих выходных я поеду на дачу с родителями .
на выходных я ходила в гости к своей любимой бабушке . мы пили чай с конфетами хорошо проводили время . после гостей я отправилась домой делать уроки . после того как я сделала уроки я поужинала и легла спать. на следующих выходных я поеду на дачу с родителями .