1 Neil Armstrong made first footprint on …...Moon. 2 There was accident yesterday at corner ofstreet.
3 I need time to think about offer you made me.
4 recipe for success is hard work.
5 people who live in glass houses shouldn't throwstones.
6 worst part of living in a caravan is lack of space.
7 book you ordered last week is now in stock.
8 dancing is more interesting activity than reading.
9 people we met on holiday in north of England sent us postcard.
10 little knowledge is dangerous thing.
my favorite dish is rolls. They are very tasty and I am happy to use them in my food. They are very easy to make. Ingredients: rice, water (for cooking rice), red fish, cucumber,
nori leaves, cream cheese.
The first thing we need to do is cook the rice, then we need to cut our fish and cucumber into strips. After we cooked it, we need to take a bamboo board and put nori sheets on it, then put rice on them, leaving a small strip from the edge. Then we need to put the cheese mixture on the rice with a small "sausage", put the fish on top, then next cucumber Next, wrap the rolls. We form a "square" out of it. Now the finished roll needs to be cut into 8 pieces. That's all! Homemade rolls are ready!
Жемайтская лошадь, известная в письменных источниках с VI века, как отличный боевой конь, прославилась во время Северных крестовых походов.
Known in written sources since the 6-7th centuries, the Žemaitukas became famous as an excellent war horse during the Northern Crusades.
"Боевой конь" никому не нравится.
Nobody else liked "War Horse"... fact.
Никогда бы не подумал, что старый боевой конь вроде тебя заговорит о любви.
I never thought I'd hear an old warhorse like you talk about love.
В фильме «Боевой конь» у него была небольшая роль сержанта Сэма Перкинса в Британской армии, который кратко присматривал за лошадьми Джои и Топторном в начале фильма.
In War Horse he had a cameo role as Sgt. Sam Perkins in the British Army, who briefly looks after the horses Joey and Topthorn at the start of the film.
Ферн исполнил главную роль Альберта в постановке пьесы «Боевой конь (англ.)русск.» в Королевском национальном театре в Лондоне, за которую получил похвалу от критиков.
Fern played the lead role of Albert in the National Theatre of Great Britain's production War Horse, which received critical acclaim.
Это же боевой конь отличной породы.
This is a destrier warhorse of the finest pedigree.
Он словно боевой конь в стойле.
He's like a war-horse in a paddock.
Возможно "Боевой Конь" сможет выиграть войну.
One horse can win the war? -No.
Метеостанция Haudegen Операция «Боевой конь» (нем. Unternehmen Haudegen) - название немецкой операции во время Второй мировой войны по установке метеорологических станций на Шпицбергене.
Operation Haudegen (Unternehmen Haudegen) was the name of a German operation during the Second World War to establish meteorological stations on Svalbard.