1) open the brackets using the present continuous. write only the verb forms.1. look at that dog. it at the cat. (to bark)2. i to doris. (to talk)3. you the poem by heart. (to learn)2) write general questions for these sentences using the present continuous: 1. mum is sleeping.2. sally and mike
are drinking milk.3. they are seeing the doctor tomorrow.3) write negative sentences with full verb forms. don't use full stops, they are given.1. we are skateboarding. .2. sam is discussing problems at the momen. .3. i am combing my hair now. .4) put the words into the correct order. write full
sentences with full verb forms. use punctuation marks in your sentences (full stops and question marks).1. next week/spain/to/are/mike and tom/going? .2. we/festival/going/are/to/now/a. .3. kate/is/seeing/not/dentist/the/today. .сделайте ! 20 б.
В поэме А.С.Пушкина "Руслан и Людмила" витязь Руслан в поисках своей возлюбленной и жены неожиданно наехал на огромную голову. То оказалась голова старшего брата Черномора, которого тот хитростью обезглавил и заставил охранять меч. У Руслана не было к тому времени меча, было только копье. Кольчугу он тоже нашел в поле, как и копье. Так что меч ему был очень кстати.
Получив меч, Руслан хотел порубить голову, но услышав его жалобный стон остановился и его, поэтому пощадил. В благодарность голова рассказала Руслану свою историю и подсказала, что сила карлика Черномора хранится в его бороде. Итак, правильный ответ: меч.
Sport in Great Britain
National sport in Great Britain… This is a very interesting questions, because many kinds of sport have taken their origin in spite of the fact that some of them neither play games nor even watch them. They only like to talk about sports. Some kinds of sport are professional in England. Popular and famous players have a lot of money. Many traditional sporting contests take place in England, for example, cricket. There are many cricket clubs in this country. English people like to play cricket, they think that summer without cricket isn’t summer. If you want to play cricket you must wear white boots, a white shirt and long white trousers. There are 2 teams. Each team has eleven players