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Английский язык
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1. Перепишите предложения, вставляя неопределенные местоимения some, any, no и их производные (something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … windrowers now employ hydrostatic drive for propulsion, and that is used on farms today.
2. … who wants to sit the exam must pass their names to the dean’s office as late as next Monday.
3. … forgot their umbrella in the cloak-room of the University library two days ago.
4. This machine is very easy to use indeed. … can learn how to use it in a very short time.
5. If there are … words you don’t understand in this text on tractors, use dictionary you have.
6. I didn’t have … money about me, so I had to borrow … for purchasing fertilizer for my plants.

2. Перепишите предложения, заполняя пропуски необходимыми предлогами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. There is something interesting … the properties … this gas in the scientific paper.
2. Newton was highly honored …. his countrymen ... his considerable contribution ... the world science.
3. Carbon is the most important element … all ferrous alloys, which are classed ... accordance it.
4. Mulching machines of this type are … very massive construction ... their better functioning.
5. It is recommended automobile engineers that cars are subjects … extensive road tests.
6. Air is mixed … vapour of petrol in the carburetor and then passes ... the combustion chamber.

3. Перепишите предложения, дополняя их подходящими по смыслу местоимениями. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. James Walt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for … improvement of the steam engine.
2. He retired from company and thereafter devoted … entirely to research work.

3. She put out … hand and took ... mirror. was dark and hard to see, but she still used for make-up.
4. I enjoyed … very much at the party, as ... were served very tasty toasts with cheese on

5. Was the traffic bad today? Oh, yes, … was terrible, especially in Chicago and outskirts.
6. It is own fault. We can only blame … for missing the steam boat for Leeds.

4. Перепишите предложения, вставляя соответствующие формы глаголов to have u to be. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We … a lot of major problems with the quality of our soil cultivation machines.
2. The simplest gear … the spur one, which especially designed for this mechanism.
3. It … a sunny day when I first saw you in your newly refurnished farm workshop.
4. The gear … a toothed wheel or cylinder, and it ... transmitting the torque from one shaft to another.
5. Perhaps, Liz’s senior sister … in Farm Machinery class in time tomorrow - it ... important for her.
6. The new car … more comfortable than the previous one, so I could drive for hours now.

5. Переведите предложения на русский язык (письменно). Поставьте во к выделенным частям этих предложений.

1. At present much attention is paid to the quality of agriculture, and especially to soil fertility.
2. The operating process in a tractor depends mainly on its type and the make of the power plant.
3. Education after sixteen is voluntary in Britain, and anyone can make his choice freely.
4. Stephenson’s early locomotives were used to carry loads in coal mines as they don’t do today.
5. The technical material to be shaped for engineering reasons is called the workpiece.
6. The Romans were the first to settle and occupy the Celtic fortress of Londinium in the 1st century BC.

6.Перепишите текст, дополняя его словами (Stream, bracket, water, timber beams, men, extending, banks, deep, rocky, bridge). Переведите текст на русский язык.

For hundreds of years … have built bridges over fast-flowing rivers or … and … canyons. Early people probably got the idea of a … from a tree fallen across a ... . From this at a later stage, a bridge on a very simple … or cantilever principle was evolved. … were embedded into the ... on each side of the river with their ends … over the … .

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20.02.2021 13:32
The Thanksgiving Day is a national american celebration. It originates long time ago. If I`m not mistaken, When the first people started began to settle the land of America, they didn`t have any food and probably they would deie because of hunger. If not the indians, who gave them food. It is assumed that the first food that people got from them was turkey, corn, pumpkin and maple syrup. 
In our days people in America still celebrate Thanksgiving day, mentally thank the God and that indians and eat turkey as a traditional meal on this day.

День Благодарения - национальный американский праздник. Он берёт начало с давних пор. Если я не ошибаюсь, когда первые колонии стали заселять Америку, у них совсем не было еды и, возможно, они бы умерли от голода. Если бы не индейцы, которые дали им еду. Принято считать, что первая еда, которую получили люди - это индейка, кукуруза, тыква и кленовый сироп.
В наши дни люди в Америке до сих пор празднуют День Благодарения, мысленно воздают благодарность Богу и тем индейцам и едят индейку в качестве традиционного блюда в этот день.
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24.04.2023 21:59
About my daily routine. There are a lot of things I’ve to do during the day.

I get up at half past seven every morning. I clean my teeth, make my bed, do morning exercises, have breakfast and go to school.

My lessons at school start at nine o’clock. Usually I have six lessons a day. We have breaks for the rest between our lessons. After the third lesson we usually have lunch. I have lunch in our canteen.

After school I go home and have dinner. After dinner I like to go for a walk with my best friend. But twice a week I go to the swimming pool after school. I like it very much.
At five o’clock I do my homework. After it I usually help my mother with my younger sister. We play together. Sometimes I read fairy tales to my sister.
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