1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое, стоящее в Indefinite Passive, и определите его время (Present, Past или Future). Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности перевода пассивных конструкций. 1. Moscow was founded in 11472. The students are given many home tasks. 3. This film will be shown next week.
2. I'm not eating.
3. It isn't raining.
4. I'm learning English.
5. I'm not listening to music.
6. The sun is shining.
7. I'm wearing shoes.
8. I'm not reading a newspaper.
1. Where's John? He is in the kitchen. He is cooking.
2. You're standing on my foot. Oh, I'm sorry.
3. Look! Somebody is swimming in the river.
4. We're here on holiday. We're staying at a central hotel.
5. Where's Ann? She's having a shower.
6. They're building a new theatre in the city centre at the moment.
7. I'm going now. Goodbye.
1. She isn't sitting on the floor.
2. She's reading a book.
3. She isn't playing the piano.
4. She's laughing.
5. She isn't wearing a hat.
6. She isn't writing a letter.
2. I am not eating
3. It isn't raining
4. I am learning English
5. I am not listening to music
6. The sun is shining
7. I am wearing shoes
8. I am not reading a newspaper
1. Where`s John? He`s in the kitchen. He is cooking
2. You are standing on my foot. Oh I'm sorry.
3. Look! Somebody is swimming in the river
4. We`re here on holiday. We are staying at a central hotel.
5. Where`s Ann? She is having a shower.
6. They are building a new theatre in the city centre at the moment.
7. I am going now. Goodbye.
1. She isn't sitting on the floor.
2. She is reading a book
3. She isn't playing the piano
4. She is laughing
5. She isn't wearing a hat
6. She isn't writing a letter