1.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения слов only, too. 1. Most of the metals are silvery white or grey in colour. Copper is the only red metal and gold is the only yellow one. 2. In the Universe where all is in motion and nothing is fixed, only light always has the same speed, the speed of light is the only constant quality. 3. Hardened steel is too brittle because of internal strain. 4. Aluminium has light weight and it has considerable resistance to corrosion too.
2.Определите, какими частями речи являются слова(+) принимая во внимание их место в предложении и формальные признаки. Предложения переведите.
1. The new hydroelectric station supplies(+) energy to many industrial centres. The supplies(+) of electrical energy in our country is very great. 2. What material will you need(+) to build these new machine-tools? A great need(+) of metals with better properties led to creation of alloys. 3. The study of matter in a higher state(+) of purity became a subject of vital interest to research workers. Equation that state(+) a rule in brief form are called formulae. The Soviet state(+) does much for the development of science and engineering.
3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения количественных местоимений и их синонимов.
1. Mendeleyev predicted that there must exist a few unknown elements with quite definite properties. 2. Our country has a lot of chemical research institutes. 3. Did it take you much time to complete the experiment last week? Yes, it took us a great deal of time. 4. I think you have to change a little the approach to the problem. 5. Soviet metallurgists works a great deal to develop new metals and alloys. And still there are plenty of research workers has been trained in the years of Soviet power. 7. Many listeners from abroad are corresponding with Moscow Radio. 8. Much time has passed since the days when the first TV station began to operate in the USSR.
На коньки я впервые встала, когда мне было 4 года. Кататься меня научил папа на городском катке. Уже тогда мне нравилось то, как быстро мчатся по льду люди в этой странной обуви с лезвием и я хотела научиться так же! Это оказалось несложно. И через полгода я уже бегала не хуже любой взрослой девушки. Через некоторое время родители увидели, что у меня хорошо получается, я постоянно хочу учиться еще и еще. Они записали меня на индивидуальные занятия с тренером, чтобы я научилась делать это еще более профессионально. С того времени началась моя любовь к катанию на коньках.
I first started skating when I was 4 years old. My dad taught me how to skate at the city skating rink. Even then, I liked the way people rush on the ice in these strange shoes with a blade, and I wanted to learn the same way! It turned out to be easy. And six months later, I was already running no worse than any adult girl. After a while, my parents saw that I was good at it, I constantly want to learn more and more. They signed me up for one-to-one lessons with a coach so that I could learn to do it even more professionally. From that time on, my love for ice skating began.