1. представьте себе, что вы смотрите на картину, на которой изображен прекрасный сад. нужно вставить(on\in\at) 1. i see a beautiful garden … the picture. (на картине) 2. the sun is shining … the sky. (на небе) 3. there are many trees … the garden. (в саду) 4. there are many flowers … the flower-beds. (на клумбе) 5. the birds are singing … the trees. (на дереве) 6. the children are playing … the lawn. (на лужайке) 7. the old ladies are sitting … the bench. (на скамейке) 8. they are looking at the red apples … the apple-tree. (на яблоне)
2 The sun is shining in the sky.
3 There are many trees in the garden.
4 There are many flowers on the flower-beds.
5 The birds are singing in the trees.
6 The children are playing on the lawn.
7 The old ladies are sitting on the bench.
8 They are looking at the red apples in the apple-tree.