1.Прочитати текст. Дібрати до нього такий заголовок, щоб він містив займенник. Виписати спочатку всі особові займенники, потім — інших груп за значенням. Визначити відмінки займенників.
На великій перерві мене покликали в учительську. Іду коридором, а якась невидима сила тягне мене назад. І все ж таки я відчинив двері до учительської. Тут, окрім Марії Степанівни та мами, був і директор школи. І коли я побачив його, то трохи оговтався.
Наш директор — дуже добрий. У нього й вигляд якийсь не директорський. Звуть його Євграф Євграфович. А ми, учні, поза очі називаємо його Географ Географович, бо він у нас викладає географію (За Д. Ткачем).
З’ясувати лексичне значення слова оговтуватися (повертатися до нормального стану; урівноважуватися).
Поставити особові займенники в початковій формі й визначити їх особу.
Three years later, again in one of the pubs, sir Hugh again, there was a similar dispute, the subject of which, oddly enough, was again the bird - the Golden Plover. This time the dispute was about who flies faster, the Golden Plover or the grouse. It was then that sir Beaver came up with the idea that surely such disputes in such conditions are the rule rather than the exception, and that they can not all be immediately resolved, since the disputing simply do not have an authoritative source, which would contain all the necessary data. And it is very good if such a guide was published by Guinness, which would inevitably associate it with the famous brand of good beer. Work on the" beer encyclopedia " was entrusted to Norris and Ross Makuirteram, owners of the news Agency. On all Pro all is gone year. Was sifted numerous facts, collected compelling scientific evidence and credible testimony of experts. As a result, on 27 August 1955 the first 198-page edition of mi saw the light. Later it got widely known today, the name "Guinness Book of records". For the first time in the history of printing bestseller was not a detective or any novel, but a real encyclopedia guide.
Today, the Guinness book of records is published in English in forty countries of the world and is translated into thirty-seven languages. Currently, the "Guinness book of records" is almost completely independent industry. Since the facts published in it become obsolete quite quickly, specially authorized commissions have been set up in different countries to examine new records and issue special diplomas. This collection of notes about the most-most will serve as an inexhaustible source of information for making various bets and entertainment guests, and most importantly an important incentive for self-improvement and knowledge of your favorite pet.
Three years later, again in one of the pubs, sir Hugh again, there was a similar dispute, the subject of which, oddly enough, was again the bird - the Golden Plover. This time the dispute was about who flies faster, the Golden Plover or the grouse. It was then that sir Beaver came up with the idea that surely such disputes in such conditions are the rule rather than the exception, and that they can not all be immediately resolved, since the disputing simply do not have an authoritative source, which would contain all the necessary data. And it is very good if such a guide was published by Guinness, which would inevitably associate it with the famous brand of good beer. Work on the" beer encyclopedia " was entrusted to Norris and Ross Makuirteram, owners of the news Agency. On all Pro all is gone year. Was sifted numerous facts, collected compelling scientific evidence and credible testimony of experts. As a result, on 27 August 1955 the first 198-page edition of mi saw the light. Later it got widely known today, the name "Guinness Book of records". For the first time in the history of printing bestseller was not a detective or any novel, but a real encyclopedia guide.
Today, the Guinness book of records is published in English in forty countries of the world and is translated into thirty-seven languages. Currently, the "Guinness book of records" is almost completely independent industry. Since the facts published in it become obsolete quite quickly, specially authorized commissions have been set up in different countries to examine new records and issue special diplomas. This collection of notes about the most-most will serve as an inexhaustible source of information for making various bets and entertainment guests, and most importantly an important incentive for self-improvement and knowledge of your favorite pet.