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1. Прочитай текст. Отметь предложения 1 – 6: True, False, Not Stated

The Dursleys.
Nowadays all children know the name of Harry Potter. Harry spent his young years with Mr and Mrs Dursley, his uncle and aunt. The Dursleys had a son Dudley, a very unpleasant child. But his parents thought there was no finer boy anywhere.
Harry Potter appeared in the Dursley family after his parents died. His aunt Petunia and her husband didn’t like Harry. He slept in the cupboard under the stairs. All he had to wear were old clothes of Dudley’s and Dudley was about four times bigger than Harry was. Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry was small for his age, he had a thin face, black hair and bright green eyes.

1) Harry Potter is a famous name nowadays.
2) Harry Potter was ten when he left the Dursleys.___
3) Dudley was worse than his parents thought he was.
4) Aunt Petunia and her husband were not fond of Harry.
5) Dudley and Harry were the same size.
6) Harry’s living place was not a room.

2. Напиши формы времени.
1) strike – 5) can -
2) believe – 6) wear -
3) go – 7) must -
4) feel - 8) forget –

3. Переведи словосочетания на английский язык, запиши их.
1) прямые волосы –
2) дружелюбное лицо –
3) мужчина приятной внешности –
4) надежный друг –
5) эгоистичный король –
6) скромная приятная девушка –

4. Образуй существительные, прилагательные или наречия от слов, данных в скобках, с суффиксов «–ful, -al, -ly, -y, -an, -er.» Впиши в предложения.

1) What (Europe) countries do you know?
2) Jack is not a (profession) footballer.
3) I saw the (sand) beaches of California.
4) Nowadays people call (India) s Native Americans.
5) Susan is a very talented (dance) .
6) Jane is a very reliable and (help) person.
7) What (music)instruments do you play?
8) Aunt Ann never speaks (loud) .

5. Запиши модальный глагол или структуру, которые подходят для ситуации в предложениях.

1) Susan is talking her teacher: (Can/ May) I take this book, please?
2) Susan is talking her friend: (Can/ May) I use your mobile, please?
3) Tomorrow, if the weather is fine, we (can/ will be able to) go boating.
4) Are you sure that tomorrow Steve (will be able to/can) do it alone?
5) Florence rebuilt her doll’s house three times and she (could/was able to) do job at last.
6) Must we do it at once? – No, you (needn’t/shouldn’t). You can do it later.
7) Last summer Jack (must/had to) work in the garden a lot.

Показать ответ
02.10.2021 22:10

Christmas is the time of ( happy) but it's not a good time for everyone. Take turkeys, for example. Every year millions of turkeys end up on a dinner table. But not Lofty. Lofty is a (luck) bird. He was born on a (Britain) farm and has spent many (wonder) hours there. One day it was Lofty's time to go to the market. Anyway, he wasn't as (fortunate) as many other turkeys: nobody knows how but Lofty ran away! He ended up in an animal rescue centre. (Lucky) for Lofty, the people in the centre are all vegetarians, so Lofty's future looks bright.

Good job!

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07.11.2021 16:29

this story happened ten years ago in one english village. mr. and mrs. johnson arrived in clovelly late at night. they came from the usa to spend their holiday in a lovely surrounding. as it was rather late, they decided to stay overnight at a hotel.

next morning, after a short walk mrs. johnson realized that she fell in love with this peaceful place. she said she wanted to buy a house in clovelly and move to england.

so, they spent a day looking for a detached house or a mansion. finally, they’d found one and went to see it with an estate agent. there was a kitchen, a dining room and a living room on the first floor. and, there were three bedrooms upstairs. while mrs. johnson was exploring the second floor, she felt a strange cool breeze coming from one room. it was the darkest and the most unpleasant room she’d ever seen.

nevertheless, they decided to buy the house but to renovate the strange bedroom upstairs. the same night they were celebrating their profitable investment at the local pub. mr. johnson ordered a bottle of champagne and told the bartender about their new house. the young guy went pale when he heard about that house. he said that nobody had ever wanted to buy it because of its dark past.

in fact, the owner of the mansion was murdered in his bedroom. since then people tell various mystical stories about this place. moreover, they say that the ghost of the former landlord still dwells there. mrs. johnson was terrified. she said she knew there was something wrong with that room.

next day they quickly packed and caught a plane to new york. the johnsons never came back to clovelly again.

эта произошла десять лет назад в одной деревне. мистер и миссис джонсон прибыли в кловли поздно вечером. они приехали из сша, чтобы провести свой отпуск в этом прекрасном местечке. так как было довольно поздно, они решили остановиться на ночь в отеле.

на следующее утро, после короткой прогулки миссис джонсон поняла, что просто влюбилась в эту тихую местность. она сказала, что хотела бы купить дом в кловли и переехать жить в .

таким образом, они провели день в поисках частного дома или особняка. наконец, они нашли то, что нужно и отправились осматривать дом с агентом по недвижимости. на первом этаже располагались кухня, столовая и гостиная. а на верхнем этаже было три спальни. когда миссис джонсон осматривала второй этаж, она почувствовала, как из одной комнаты повеяло холодом. это была самая темная и самая неприятная комната, которую она когда-либо видела.

тем не менее, они решили купить этот дом, но сделать ремонт в странной спальне на верхнем этаже. в ту же ночь они праздновали свою выгодную инвестицию в местном пабе. мистер джонсон заказал бутылку шампанского и рассказал бармену о своем новом доме. молодой парень побледнел, когда услышал об этом доме. он сказал, что никто никогда не покупает его из-за темного прошлого.

на самом деле, владелец особняка был убит в своей спальне. с тех пор люди рассказывают разные мистические об этом месте. более того, они говорят, что призрак бывшего хозяина все еще обитает там. миссис джонсон была в ужасе. она ведь догадывалась, что с этой комнатой что-то не так.

на следующий день они наскоро упаковали чемоданы и сели на самолет до нью-йорка. джонсоны больше никогда не возвращались в кловли

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