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1) Read the definitions and choose the right variant.

1. Someone who works in a mine:


2. Someone who is trained to prepare or sell medicines:


3. Someone who studies science or works in science:


2) Choose the right spelling:

wear costumes
wear costmes
weaer costumes

fly a kite
flye a kite
fly a kit

stayi at
staye at
stay at

3) Fill in the gaps with one of the words: mist, mild, rainbow, season, shower, lightning, breeze, sunshine. Write down four words with a comma (,). There are four words you do not need.

Примечание: Запишите четыре слова (без цифр) через запятую. Все слова должны начинаться с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно.

Example answer: mist, mild, rainbow, season

1) The mountain villages were shrouded* in .

2) We saw a beautiful in the sky.

3) I got caught in a and got wet.

4) That tree was struck by .

* shrouded - скрытый, укрытый; покрытый (пеленой, завесой)

4) Fill in the gaps with one of the words: mist, mild, rainbow, season, shower, lightning, breeze, sunshine. Write down four words with a comma (,). There are four words you do not need.

Примечание: Запишите четыре слова (без цифр) через запятую. Все слова должны начинаться с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно.

Example answer: mist, mild, rainbow, season

1) We’ve had a winter this year.

2) Winter in my country is as wonderful a as summer.

3) It was not too hot and we had a cool as we cycled downhill.

4) The children were out playing in the .

5) Read the text "Clothes and fashion in our life".


Most people believe that it's important to look nice. However, some people say that we place too much importance on appearance and fashion.

One will hardly disagree that it is pleasant to look at a person who is neatly and beautifully dressed. A person usually chooses clothes according to his or her age, social class, financial position and occupation. People also choose clothes according to their preferences and character.

To my mind, if a person wants to produce a good impression and to be successful, he or she must look nice. When people speak to you, they always pay attention to your appearance and your clothes. If you look sloppy and untidy, they will try to avoid you. There is a saying that "good clothes open all doors" and I quite agree with it.

But some people place too much importance on their appearance. They spend much money on expensive clothes and sometimes they look ridiculous trying to be fashionable. There are some styles that can surprise and even shock people such as punks, hippies or Goths. It looks strange when a person wears razor blades instead of earrings, dyes his or her hair bright red or purple or puts on shoes on enormous platform. Some teenagers are fond of bright make-up, black fingernails, scruffy long hair or baggy clothes. But I think it is silly to slavishly follow the current fashions.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that nowadays fashion becomes even more influential than it was in the past. It effects and moulds public taste. I believe that people should follow fashion and pay attention to their appearance, but it should never become a kind of obsession.

Fill in the phrases:

1. look
and untidy

2. can
and even shock people

3. becomes even more
than it was

Показать ответ
05.06.2022 05:23

1. Я не могу понять, почему Н. не пришел на совещание. Не может быть, чтобы он забыл о нем; он, вероятно, заболел. I can’t understand why N. didn’t come to the meeting. He can’t have forgotten about it; he may have fallen ill.

2. После прохождения практики в школе каждый студент должен представить отчет.

After practice at school, every student must present a report. OR Every student must present a report on their practice teaching at school. (Понятно, что речь о преддипломной практике)

3. Тебе придется много заниматься. Если бы ты мог приходить ко мне по воскресеньям, я бы с удовольствием занимался с тобой.

You will have to study a lot. If you could come to me on Sundays, I would gladly help you (with your studies).

4 Если вы не хотите заниматься этим сегодня, вы можете закончить работу в течение завтрашнего дня. — Зачем же мне откладывать на завтра то, что я могу сделать сегодня!

If you don’t want to do it today, you can finish the work (during the day) tomorrow. – Why should I postpone till tomorrow something that I can do today?

5. В году я жил близко от института, и мне приходилось вставать не так рано, как сейчас.

Last year I lived near the university and I didn’t have to wake up as early as I do now.

6. Я думаю, что вам не следует обращать на это внимания. Стоит ли беспокоиться о пустяках?

I don’t think you should pay any attention to it. Why should you worry about trifles?

7. Вы, должно быть, все читали эту книгу. Если нет, то вам следовало бы ее прочесть как можно скорее, чтобы вы могли обсудить ее на занятиях нашего кружка.

All of you must have read the book. If not, you should read it as soon as possible so that we can discuss it

at our club

8. Вы все, вероятно, прочли книгу Голсуорси «Собственник». Вам следует теперь прочитать критическую литературу.

All of you may have read John Galsworthy's novel "The Man of Property". Now you should read some critical literature reviews.

9. Вам бы следовало разговаривать с ребенком поласковее.

You should have spoken to the child more tenderly

10. Эта машина, должно быть, отечественного производства.

This car must have been made in our country

11. Не могли бы вы прийти к нам на совещание завтра?

Could you come to our meeting tomorrow?

12. Этот дом не требует большого ремонта; его достаточно покрасить.

the house doesn’t need much renovating; some painting will do

13. «Нужно ли мне повторить это правило, чтобы вы его записали?» – спросил преподаватель у студентов.

‘Do I have to repeat the rule so that will you write it down?’ – The teacher asked the students.

14. По-моему, нам нужно подождать еще полчаса. Экскурсанты могут приехать следующим поездом.

I think we should wait another half hour. The tourists may come on the next train.

15. Вы бы лучше послали ему письмо; он может не догадаться, что вас задерживают дела, и будет волноваться.

You had better send him a letter; he may not know that you are delayed by some things and he will be worried.

16. Не могли бы вы прочесть мою книгу к завтрашнему дню? Мне, может быть, придется завтра вечером уехать, и книга мне понадобится.

Could you read the book by tomorrow? I may have to leave tomorrow evening and I will need the book

0,0(0 оценок)
26.05.2023 05:56
- Hi!
- Hi!
- What's your name? I'm Nick 
- Nice to meet you, Nick! My name is Lexa
- Nice to meet you. Are you Russian? 
- Yeah! I'm Russian, I'm from Russian. And you? Where are you from? 
- Great! I'm from Italy. Is this your first time in London?
- Actually, yes. This is my first time. 
- Do you like it here? 
- Yeah! It’s a nice place. How long have you been here?
- I've lived here since last year. Are you here by yourself?
- Yes, I'm 
- How long will you be in London?
- Until the end of next week. 
-  OK, it was nice talking with you. I’ve got to get going now. Have a good time!
- Thanks, Nick! You too
0,0(0 оценок)
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