1 Read the definitions of drama, tragedy and
comedy. Can you think of any popular
tragedies and comedies?
Drama is
literature that
is written in
order to be
Tragedy is a story
ending unhappily
with something
terrible happening
to the hero.
Comedy is a
funny story
which usually
has a happy
Dear Aunt Anne
I know that you don't like technological devices very much,but sometimes it's difficult to do without them. If you need to warm up pancakes, take the following steps:
1 - take the plate with pancakes.
2 - put some butter on them.
3 - put the plate with pancakes in the microwave.
4 - close its door.
5 - set up the time (for pancakes 2 minutes are enough)
6 - press the button START
7 - when the microwave will start peeping, it means, that your pancakes are ready.
8 - open the door, take the plate (careful, it may be hot!) and enjoy your pancakes.
One day in the summer, in the middle of the day, our very, very homey and so cowardly cat fell out of the open window. It was not high, plus a rose window is small, but very green tree.
We learned that the cat is not at home, and on the street, almost immediately - by terrible screams somehow beyond the grave, a denunciation of the yard. We immediately rushed to the window ... That's what we saw.
Our cat hanging on a tree, caught in a branch. Branch under his weight bent almost to the ground, so - it hangs close to the ground, and his eyes bulging, screaming wildly. And around him a circle sitting all local homeless cats and looking at it carefully.
Went out, ripped it from the poor Screwtape tree (with branch) and brought home.