1. Read the text and complete the assignments after it: One day a traveller was walking along a road on his journey from a village to another. As he walked, he noticed a monk tilling the ground in the fields beside the road. The monk said “Good day” to the traveller and the traveller nodded to the monk. The traveller then turned to the monk and said:
“Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you a question?” “Not at all,” replied the monk. “I am travelling from the village in the mountains to the village in the valley and I was wondering if you knew what it is like in the village in the valley?”, “Tell me,” said the monk. “What was your experience of the village in the mountains?”, “Dreadful,” replied the traveller. “To be honest, I am glad to be away from there. I found the people most unwelcoming. When I first arrived I was greeted coldly. I was never made to feel a part of the village no matter how hard I tried. The villagers keep very much to themselves; they don’t take kindly to strangers. So tell me, what can I expect in the village in the valley?” “I’m sorry to tell you,” said the monk, “but I think your experience will be much the same there.” The traveller hung his head despondently and walked on.
A few months later, another traveller was journeying down the same road and he also came upon the monk. “Good day,” said the traveller. “Good day,” said the monk. “How are you?” asked the traveller. “I’m well,” replied the monk. “Where are you going?”, “I’m going to the village in the valley,” replied the traveller. “Do you know what it is like?”, “I do,” replied the monk. “But first, tell me, where have you come from?”, “I’ve come from the village in the mountains.” “And how was that?”, “It was a wonderful experience. I would have stayed if I could but I am committed to traveling on. I felt as though I were a member of the family in the village. The elders gave me much advice, the children laughed and joked with me, and the people generally were kind and generous. I am sad to have left there. It will always hold special memories for me. And what of the village in the valley?” he asked again. “I think you will find it much the same,” replied the monk. “Good day to you.” “Good day and thank you,” replied the traveller, smiled, and journeyed on.
1.1 Answer the question according to the text (2p)_
What were the inhabitants of the village in the mountains like?
1.2. Find in the text synonyms for the following words (4p)
Terrible (adv) -
Candid (adj) -
1.3. Find in the text antonyms for the following words (4p)
Hospitably (adv) -
Terrible (adj) -
1.4. Give a title to the text (2p)
1.5. Explain the message (moral) of the text in 25-30 words (4p)
2. Change the sentences in bold from the text into reported speech (10p)
3. Write a 160-180-word coherent text expressing your attitude to the given topic (30p)
“Drugs leave you not only out of education, but also out of life.”
Structure your essay according to the scheme: introduction, body and conclusion. Use the necessary linking words and expressions to connect your ideas.
My summer was fun. I met a lot of friends and I often went for walks. I learned new things and visited new places. Every day was like a holiday. I sometimes watched the sunrise or admired the sunset. They were very beautiful. I watched a lot of new and old films and read books. I also swam in the lake when it was too hot. I ate a lot of ice-cream, rode my bike and I wished the summer wasn't over. But it is over. I'm already looking forward to the next summer.
The school is not bad for me too, I will still communicate with my friends there.
Моё лето было веселым. Я встречал друзей и часто ходил на прогулки.
Я узнавал новые вещи и посещал новые места. Каждый день был как праздник.
Иногда я смотрел восход солнца или любовался закатом. Они были очень красивые. Я смотрел много новых и старых фильмов и читал книги. Я также купался в озере, когда было слишком жарко. Я ел много мороженого. Я хотел бы, чтобы лето не кончалось. Но оно закончилось. Я уже с нетерпением жду следующего лета.
Школьная жизнь для меня тоже не так уж плоха, я все равно буду общаться там со своими друзьями.
Осенние каникулы длятся всего неделю, иногда десять дней. Не успеваешь толком отдохнуть, как уже пора в школу. Зато быстро отвыкаешь рано вставать по утрам. И потом утром еле выползаешь из постели.
Обычно я провожу осенние каникулы дома. Погода уже холодная и дождливая, поэтому на улице не особенно погуляешь. Дома я читаю книги, или роюсь в Интернете. Если выглядывает солнышко, я выхожу во двор. По вечерам мы играем с папой в шашки, нарды и другие настольные игры.
Иногда, когда погода позволяет, родители едут в лес за грибами. И меня, конечно, тоже берут с собой. Поэтому при слове «осенние каникулы» я первым делом вспоминаю мокрый лес и грибы.
Еще на осенних каникулах мы ездим к бабушке. Я остаюсь у нее на несколько дней. К моему приезду бабушка обычно берет билеты в цирк или на детский спектакль, и мы с ней ходим смотреть представление.
Я очень люблю осенние каникулы.