1. Reading Top Song: the final
Last night’s highlight was the final of Top Song. This week the contestants sung a disco song and a slow ballad. Lil sang first. She was very nervous and her singing was really quiet. Then, when she was singing her second song, she suddenly forgot the words. But Lil is a determined woman and she started the song again. The judges loved it and said very positive things, but the audience seemed less enthusiastic. Simon was the next contestant. Simon was teaching when his students told him about Top Song, and he decided to enter! He was in the bottom three last week, but lots of viewers voted for him. Last night the situation was incredibly stressful and he didn’t sing well. But he thanked the judges and tried to smile. His students and friends cheered loudly. The final contestant was Erika. Erika complained last week because she thought the judges were really strict. She was feeling a bit lonely and wanted to visit her family, but the judges didn’t allow her to go. Her disco song wasn’t particularly good, but her slow ballad was fantastic. The judges didn’t seem sure, though!
Who won? Watch it online and find out!
1.Read the text. What kind of show is Top Song? (7 points)
2. Write the name of the contestant: Lil, Simon or Erika. Who ...
1 wanted to go home last week?
2 was popular with the audience last week?
3 sung one song fairly badly and one song well?
4 started one song twice?
5 didn’t always like the judges?
6 knew some of the people in the audience?
Writing(8 points)
Write an article about a story you heard or saw in the news this month (for example, a crime, a celebrity wedding). Say what happened, where it happened, who it happened to, and what people did or said. Remember to use different past time expressions.
Москва является столицей России. Это один из крупнейших городов Европы. Там живет около одиннадцати миллионов человек. Многие туристы посещают Москву каждый год, чтобы увидеть ее знаменитые достопримечательности и фантастическую архитектуру. Самым популярным видом транспорта для местных жителей и посетителей является метро. Московское метро очень быстрое. Оно имеет 185 станций по всему городу и всегда полно людей. Семь миллионов пассажиров используют его каждый день с 6 утра до часа ночи. Пассажиры могут понять, куда идет поезд, по голосу диктора. Все поезда, которые идут в центр, имеют мужской голос, а поезда, которые уходят из центра, имеют женский голос. Метро идет ко всем основным достопримечательностям. Станция Площадь Революции доставит вас до Кремля и Красной площади. Станция метро Театральная находится возле Большого и Малого театров. Но метро тоже само по себе является достопримечательностью. Люди говорят «Станции метро действительно красивы с мозаичными потолками, замечательными люстрами, красивыми скульптурами и блестящими картинами. Для настоящего приключения в жизни каждого посетителя дворца.» потому что многие в этом прекрасном городе должны прокатиться на подземном метро. Это одна из главных туристических достопримечательностей Москвы. Вам нравится путешествовать на метро? Какая ваша любимая станция? Напиши и расскажи нам.
1. We have been friends since childhood.
2. She will be at the Institute from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
3. She has lived in St. Petersburg since1970.
4. I shall read this book at the end of the week.
5. I haven’t spoken to him for 2 months.
6. Do you think he is going to stay for ever?
7. He bought the car in August.
8. He never comes to class on time.
9. She arrived at five o’clock in a taxi.
10. Every morning I get on the bus at 8.30.
11. I won’t be back for several hours. You should eat without me.
12. Everyone finished dinner by/at seven o’clock.
13. Will you lend me your pen for a minute?
14. I have known Dan for many years.
15. I have been working on this for two hours.
16. He gets up at seven o’clock in the morning and goes to bed at eleven.
17. His office hours are from ten till six.
18. The train will leave in two minutes.
19. I was not there - last summer.
20. Can you meet me on Friday afternoon?
21. She always visits me on Sundays.
22. It’s very cool here in the evening.
23. I met her in 1982.
24. She got many nice presents on her birthday.
25. They may stay in Europe for several months.