1 rejuvenating A incredible, awe-inspiring 2 sparkling B deeply green
3 spectacular C shining, glittering
4 stunning D covered in sunshine
5 wondrous E so beautiful that it leaves one speechless
6 towering F restorative
7 verdant G expansive, endless
8 vast H extending over a large area
9 sun-drenched I dramatically amazing
10 sweeping J immensely tall
I can not swim, because until this year the doctor did not allow me to be more than two minutes in the water. But this year he says I can stay in for fifteen minutes if I like,so I'm going to learn to swim. Libraries are quite free, and any one who likes may get books there. I can come and see you tomorrow if i have time. Take your raincoat with you: it may rain today. Do you think you can do that? I can finish the work tomorrow if no one brothers me any more. can we come and see you next Sunday at three o'clock in the afternoon. What time is it- It .may-be about six o'clock,but I am not sure. Only a person who knows the language very well can answer such a question.
2. I'm very scared to use cars and aeroplanes
3. In my country average lifespan is about 70 years
4. I can't do a lot to help smb
5. I'd love to live in the countryside
6. to be full of huge blocks of flats.
7. I want to be far apart from each other.
8. It's take a long span of time to communicate by writing to each other.
9. I don't like to communicate by telephone.
10. I don't want it to be a very major change in my life.
11. this invention will take place one hundred years in the future