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1. Six months in ... bed no longer seemed a long time when Mrs. Carlton beside her had been in ... bed for eighteen months. 2. I'm in my second year in ... medical school. 3. It's worse than ... prison, because in ... prison at least you are all criminals, but here only we three have the stigma on us, and in ... prison you can at least have a cell to yourself. 4. If you don't mind getting out of ... bed, my Lord. 5. Paullette, when this is over, I'm going to treat you to the best lunch in ... town. 6. Lorna was glad that she had gone to ... secondary school because it had been only constructed a year before. She was 17 years of age and had left ... school 2 years before. 7. On the morning of the third day of rain we decided to go down into ... town. 8. Well, amigo, don't you think it's time you were in ... comfortable bed? We have one for you at the San Miguel. 9. I've been weak and I have permitted your father to drive me from ... church. 10. The ship was floating idly on ... motionless sea. 11. Mel Bakersfeld was in ... hospital after he had spent a few terrible hours in the truck snowboundon one of the runways. 12. Floyd was surprised to hear Pul's daughter was doing well at ... school while his son was only somewhere down at the chart. 13. Jan lay back in ... narrow hospital bed and tried to adjust herself to her new surroundings. 14. Picked her up cheap at... market last spring and thought I'd got a bargain, but I soon found out. 15. He had felt that ... sea had finally relieved him of his burden of violence; the future he and Swyer hoped for themselves was harmless and unobjectionable on ... mild sea among mild men. 16. He held himself very erect, as though he were still in ... Air Cadets' school. 17. If she could somehow manage to marry him while he was in ... jail all those millions would be hers and hers alone should he be executed. 18. So they were all seated at ... table, Rudolph self consciously the focus of the occasion wearing a collar and tie, and sitting very erect, like a cadet at ... table at West Point. 19. He was explaining the work that was going forward – how one was discharging another taking in cargo, and a third making ready for ... sea. 20. "Jack, what are you going to do with your life?"—"Who knows? Go to ... sea, maybe, build electronic equipment, teach, marry a rich wife." 21. After I checked into the office and confirmed that there was nothing for me that weekend I drove into ... town in my Volkswagen. 22. I had known Jan slightly in ... high school. 23. Still it was better than teaching chemistry in ... high school. 24. I had seen them walking together, arms linked, to ... sea, coming back rather late and tired and happy to a cold lunch. 25. He was usually caustic in his comments on those who used ... church only for marrying, or burying. 26. I wanted to look in at ... hospital before it was too late for visitors. 27. ... bed was empty and there was no one in the room. 28. Men who had had high positions in the White House were being sent to ... jail. 29. He was a youngish man in a button-down collar to show that he had gone to ... law school in the East, and a bright bow tie, to show that he now lived in California. 30. This was no time to be laid up immobilized and helpless in ... hospital for weeks or may be months on end. 31. I read with satisfaction that Venice was sinking into ... sea. 32. He probed his mind

for anything he might have done in ... college.

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23.01.2023 10:23
Это вы о ночи?opensubtitles2About last night?Я очень хорошо спал ночью.tatoebaI slept very well last night.Он ночью не спал ночью у меня было прозрениеopensubtitles2I had an epiphany last nightКроме того я знаю, что- то хорошее случилось со мной ночью ночью ты забыл выключить радиоприёмник, не так ли?tatoebaLast night you forgot to turn off the radio, didn't you?Где ты был ночью?opensubtitles2Where were you last night?Те ужасные дни и ночи, которые пережили наши страны- дни ужаса и террора- должны остаться в За то, что... что ты сделала ночью, я не смогу отплатитьopensubtitles2What...What you did last night, I can' t repay thatХикокуро Омодака... умер ночьюopensubtitles2Hikokuro OmodakaЭто детализация счетов доктора Дюмонт из отеля две ночи в отеле " Шератон " в Бейкерсфилде в годуopensubtitles2It' s dumont' s itemized hotel bill for two nights at the sheraton in bakersfield last yearКак видишь я близок к тому, чтобы убежать, в то время как ты готовишься умереть ужасной смертью за то, что оставил меня умирать ночью!opensubtitles2I am about to escape while you on the other hand- are about to die a horrible death, for leaving me to die last night!Как и в году на фестиваль Ночи Милонгеро Орасио презжает со своей партнершей Сесилией Берра.Common crawlSame as last year Horacio comes to the Milonguero nights festival with his partner Cecilia Berra.Кто- нибудь может подтвердить ваше местонахождение ночью?opensubtitles2Is there someone who can vouch for you last night?Её убили ночьюopensubtitles2She was killed last nightВ течение нескольких часов ночью и сегодня израильские оккупационные силы, используя боевые вертолеты, танки и сторожевые катера, наносили удары с воздуха, земли и моря по ряду районов в городе Газа и секторе Газа ночью был сильный дождь.tatoebaWe had a heavy rainfall last night.К числу других инцидентов относится предпринятая поселенцами ночью на неделе попытка поджечь храм в Бейт-Ханине (Иерусалим) и совершение актов вандализма в отношении синагоги в Иерихоне ‧ октябряMultiUnOther incidents include the attempted burning of the church in Beit Hanina (Jerusalem) in a night raid by settlers last week and the vandalization of a synagogue at Jericho on ‧ ctoberИзвестно, что аудифайлы просочились где- то в полночь ночьюopensubtitles2We know that the audio file was leaked at around midnight last night
0,0(0 оценок)
02.10.2021 19:31

Fill each space in the sentences below with the correct form of the word.


To buy this truck I made a monthly payment of 300 for two years.


The exchange rate is going up and down. It is very unstable at the moment.

3. Stable

In the beginning of the 21st century the trade was not stable at all. It was a time of great instability.

4. Stable

To stabilise the prices, we used a variety of methods.

5. Manage

Talks between workers and management have broken down and a strike seems unavoidable.

6. Manage

To improve his organizing abilities he’s taking a course in managerial skills.

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