1 Six of the following sentences contain mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 Sydney Harbour Bridge was building in 1932.
2. While they were carrying out tests in the laboratories, researchers were analysing past
3 The first real road builders in Britain was the Romans.
4 The Romans built roads of layers of broken stones of various sizes and were covering them
with flat stones.
5 The system didn't working because the loudspeaker had been wrongly connected.
6 Before factories were told to stop polluting the environment, waste was being dumped in
rivers and in the sea.
7 Louis Pasteur was discovering the action of germs while he was studying fermentation in
8 The production process had already been shut down when the leak in the fuel tank was
9 Nuclear energy began to be used from the mid-1950s.
10 In the second half of the 20th century, the electronics industry transforming the way we
work in factories.
гарри поттер - главный герой серии произведений джоан роулинг. он - положительный герой, мальчик - волшебник, который борется с отрицательным героем, волдемортом, и побеждает.
гарри - мальчик невысокого роста, худой, с черными растрепанными волосами и зелеными глазами. над бровью у гарри имеется шрам в виде молнии - "память" о встрече с волдемортом во младенчестве.
гарри поттер - сирота, он растет в семье своей тети петунии, сестры матери. в семье тети его не любят, называют ненормальным и заставляют работать по дому. до одиннадцати лет гарри не знает, что волшебник. у него нет друзей, потому что их отпугивает кузен. попав в школу волшебства хогвартс, гарри заводит двоих близких друзей - рона и гермиону. проявляются у него и враги.
гари показал себя верным другом, смелым и отважным, не боящимся смотреть в глаза опасности. он прямодушен, честен, не умеет хитрить. бывает немного несдержан и вспыльчив. любопытен, неусидчив, не прилежен, немного легкомыслен, любит приключения. кроме того, гарри поттер невероятно везуч, способен выбраться из опаснейших передряг живым и относительно невредимым.
harry potter is a hero of a famous romance by joan roling. the story of this magician made roling one of the richest women of the year 2008.
harry potter is a boy, who became a magician 11 years later. he has green eyes, a black hair and a thin body. harry has been wearing glasses since his childhood.
harry’s parents died in the battle with the greatest evil magician vol-de-mort. не became an orphan one or two years old.
after this awful tragedy potter lived in a house of his aunt and uncle, and their son dadley. harry’s relatives were cruel to him making him do all the housework.
harry went to the hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. in the train he met ronald weasley, freckled, tall, red and thin boy, who lived in a seven-story house with five brothers, parents and a little sister.
harry made friends with rone and a girl hermione by name, who was a usual girl. she weren’t a magician, but she got a letter from hogwarts too.
when harry and rone saved hermione’s live, their friendship became stronger.
harry’s life in hogwarts was not easy. sometimes he was in danger, but remained alive, thanks to his bravery, determination and his true friends.
harry perfectly plays kviddich, a magic game on flying sweepers with four balls, looking –glasses and telescopes. he adores his hogwarts school.